  • 學位論文

同步施工之作業空間衝突分析 —以高科技廠房上部結構工程為例

Workspace Conflict Analysis for Concurrent Construction – Taking Superstructure Construction of High-Tech Plants for Example

指導教授 : 陳柏翰


近年來,高科技產業蓬勃發展,可視為台灣經濟發展的核心主軸之一,為因應產量需求,興建新廠房並縮短其工期為必要採取的策略,以維持公司競爭力。高科技廠房興建工程具有:結構體特殊、工期緊密、介面複雜、資源需求繁多,並應用同步施工方式建造等特性,故其難以控制工期時程及工地作業空間。現況工程規劃多依照過往建廠經驗作為根據,並結合市面上的排程軟體,進行工地資源的調配,而其排程軟體多以要徑法、甘特圖為基礎,缺乏對作業空間的描述。 工地作業空間由於其可用性有限以及對工作進度與安全性的影響而成為關鍵資源;同步施工使工項重疊,大量工作人員、機具、物料須同時配置於一工作空間。當工作空間共享於多個工項且相互鄰接另一工作空間,生成工作空間干擾,增加碰撞風險,降低施工生產力,影響安全性,使工程進度不如預期。 因此本研究透過專家訪談了解廠房實際規劃流程、資源分配,分析各工程項目之重疊區域配置,針對T公司單一案例進行研究探討,建置4D排程模型結合施工順序及空間資源分配,並考慮作業空間擁擠程度。透過基因演算法優化排程模型,提出在作業空間干擾最小化下之專案排程。


In recent years, the rapid development of high-tech industries can be regarded as one of the core axes of Taiwan's economic development. It is necessary to build new high-tech plants and shorten their construction period in order to maintain the compet-itiveness of the company. The construction of high-tech plant has the following char-acteristics: special structure, tight construction period, complicated interface, compli-cated resource requirements, and the application of concurrent construction methods. Therefore, it is difficult to control the schedule and the current workspace of the con-struction site. The current project planning is based on the past experience of construc-tion programs, and combined with the commercial scheduling software to deploy site resources. However, the scheduling software is based on methods of CPM and Gantt chart, lack of representation of workspace. The workspace of the construction site be-comes a key resource due to its limited availability and impact on project progress and personnel safety. Concurrent construction makes activities overlap, and a large number of laborers, equipment, and materials must be placed in one workspace at the same time. When the workspace is shared by multiple activities and adjacent to one another, workspace interference is generated and will cause following effects: increasing colli-sion risk, reducing construction productivity, affecting safety, and making the project progress is not as expected. Therefore, this study is through expert interviews to un-derstand the actual planning of personnel assignment, space resource allocation, and time schedule, and to analyze the configuration of the interfered area of each activity. The establishment of 4D scheduling model based on the single case of T company is combined with the construction sequence and spatial resource allocation, and consid-eration of the level of workspace congestion. By optimizing the scheduling model with genetic algorithm, propose the ideal project schedule under the minimization of the workspace interference.


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