  • 學位論文


Development of Light Rail Capacity Model for A-type and B-type Right-of-Way

指導教授 : 賴勇成




Modern light rail transit is an emerging transit system that possesses the properties of a rapid transit system, with a specific running path and frequent services, and those of a highway system, with a flexible operating mode. Light rail capacity is an explicit indicator that helps operators design efficient operation plans, improve an existing transit network, or build a new transit system. However, light rail capacity model developed in the past usually were formulated based on the bus capacity model, which does not thoroughly consider departure and arrival headways, turnback operations, and transit signal priority strategies. In this research, we adopted the green to cycle ratio (g/C) from the TCQSM and developed 8 types of signal headway equations including roadway effect in consideration of critical track layouts corresponding to A-type and B-type Right-of-Way (ROW), respectively. Besides that, we also elaborated 31 sets of equations to identify signal timing parameter in consideration of signal priority logics within B-type ROW. Analytical results from the case studies were validated by simulation models in VISSIM. This study demonstrate that the proposed light rail capacity model can help light rail transit operators to measure section and line capacity, and identify critical bottlenecks. Using the developed light rail capacity models can help planners design light rail system with efficient capacity utilization, and reliable services.


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