  • 學位論文


The Development of Korean Creative Industries under Globalization: A Case Study of the Korea Digital Game Industry

指導教授 : 洪鎌德


當今世界經濟正經歷結構化的改變,全球化已將許多區域和地方社群整合成為全球鏈結。自1990年以來,全球化與資訊科技的發達,造成經濟型態的轉變,以知識為基礎的產業正在興起。1990年代末期,英、美等先進國家開始注重文化創意產業的發展,並證實了文化創意產業能為國家帶來經濟的成長,更創造了許多附加價值。 1997年金融危機爆發,南韓的經濟受到重創,在短暫的四年之內,南韓快速復甦並成為文化出口大國。在南韓的經濟與產業發展上,政府向來居於重要的領導地位,本文探討韓國傳統上發展型國家體制轉型下,政府在扶持文化創意產業發展上的作為。 韓國遊戲產業在1990年代後半期開始與政府的文化產業振興政策同步發展。韓國政府把文化產業立為21世紀國家競爭力核心,並積極培養其成為能推動韓國經濟發展的產業。所以韓國政府為了振興遊戲產業設立了負責部門和制定了遊戲產業相關法令,同時也設立了各樣的政策。遊戲產業的政府政策也隨著遊戲產業的發展過程而相應變化。 韓國並非線上遊戲技術的原創地,但韓國線上遊戲產業卻在經濟環境最壞的時機穩步成長,成為亞洲數位內容與文化創意產業典範。本研究檢視韓國政府對線上遊戲產業所做的努力,探討韓國政府政策是如何支持與投入此新興網路科技。 韓國政府在政治與經濟上所扮演的角色,是影響產業發展的重要因素。本文採用歷史研究法探討韓國的政治濟結構下的文化創意產業,綜觀影響韓國遊戲產業發展的關鍵時期,並探討遊戲產業政策的發展脈絡。最後,為瞭解政府與私人企業,對線上遊戲市場所挹注的努力,本文將針對政策與市場的個別發展過程,歸納出具有關鍵影響力的政府政策或市場現象。


While today's world economy is undergoing structural change, globalization has integrated many regional and local communities as a web of global links. Since 1990, globalization and information technology developed, resulting in changes in the economy, a knowledge-based industry is emerging. Late in 1990, advanced countries such as Britain, the United States began to focus on the development of cultural and creative industries, and confirmed that the cultural and creative industries generate economic growth for the country, and created a lot of added value. During the financial crisis in 1997, South Korea's economy has been hit hard. In the short four years, South Korea had recovered rapidly and become a major exporter of culture. Since in South Korea's economic and industrial development, the government has been in an important leadership position, this article explores the behavior of the Korean government support the development of cultural and creative industries, under the institutional transformation of the traditionally developmental state. The Korean government established the cultural industries as the core of the national competitiveness of the 21st century, and actively cultivate them to promote the economic development industry in Korea. In order to revitalize the game industry, Korean government established the responsible department, and set up the relevant laws and regulations, as well as all sorts of policies. The government policies of the game industry also changes correspondingly with the process of the development of the game industry. Korea is not the original base of online gaming technology, but Korea online game industry has steadily grown in the economic environment for the worst time, as Asia's model of digital content and the cultural and creative industries. This study examine Korea Government on the efforts of the online game industry to explore how Korea Government policy support invest in this emerging industry. The Korean government's role in the political and economic is an important factor that affect the development of the industry. With historical research methods, this paper explore the cultural and creative industries under Korea's political and economic structure of, looking at the effects of Korea crucial period in the development of gaming industry, and to explore the policy context of the game industry. Finally, to understand the Korean government and private enterprises' efforts in the online game market, this article will focus on individual policy and market development process, and summarize key influential government policy and market phenomenon.


Miller, Toby et al.著,馮建三譯,2001。《全球好萊塢》。台北:巨流。
