  • 學位論文

民間中小規模自力更新住宅改建初探- 非要都更不可嗎?

A Study on Small Scale Self- Housing Renewal: Is Urban Renewal Necessary ?

指導教授 : 陳亮全


本文之目的在透過對於住宅生產方式的考察,對於台灣地區既有之民間非商品住宅生產方式進行分類與分析,同時透過實際案例與假設提案之試算比較,對於目前逐漸成為都會區主流住宅生產方式的都市更新制度提出檢討,並且試圖從假設提案中討論民間非商品住宅生產的可能性。具體的研究內容方面,本研究從探索台灣地區戰後住宅生產的演變出發。透過整體演變之文獻與案例分析,本研究建立考察生產關係、生產費用¬與財務手段之間聯繫的分析架構,以及台灣地區戰後住宅生產方式之分類。後續針對歸屬於民間非商品住宅生產方式之合作自建、協議合建、自力更新三類,運用前述分析架構進行較深入分析,並且從中歸納出民間非商品住宅生產方式的生產關係特徵與財務模式,並基於這些特徵,本研究試擬兩個民間非商品住宅生產方式提案,與本研究所訪調之正在推動自力更新案例進行比較。 依據上述研究取徑,本研究發現目前民間非商品住宅生產方式中,可分為兩種財務模式,分別為「付費自建」、以及「容積抵費」。前者為較單純之財務模式,後者則將預期的容積換算為價值,與生產費用進行交換,雖然可能免去居住者籌措資金的負擔,但也不可避免地與商品住宅聯繫起來,而且只有區分所有權人才能運用這個方法。而民間非商品方式中的「自力更新」運用目前台北都會區最受重視的都市更新制度,由住戶自行組織發起住宅生產,立意是鼓勵社區自主重建住宅,但因為都市更新制度不偏好小基地,公部門放寬執行標準、增加獎勵上限,導致基於價值增殖推動動機增高,實際執行卻依舊困難。由於都市更新制度的複雜,使得生產過程難以被居住者掌握,主導權落入代理人之手,不易實質參與、監督住宅生產過程。而在都市中常見老舊公寓,由於缺乏計有的社區組織與互動,在面對以權利為基礎的都市更新共識形成時亦有困難。 再者,本研究透過「自力更新」與假設提案之生產價格組成的比較,認為在現有都市更新法系下的「自力更新」,雖然從擁有所有權的住戶來看,是相當優惠、值得期待的住宅重建方式,但也付出更多代價,增加大量住宅生產消耗、都市環境負擔、釋出價格更脫離生產邏輯的商品住宅,事實上並非理想的民間非商品住宅生產方式。 總結研究過程與發現,本研究認為現行都市更新制度不應作為在一般規模社區的住宅重建方式,而都市環境參與者內部之組織、代表性、互信基礎、處理專業事務能力普遍有所不足,使得代理實施者角色更為重要,但也更實質掌握了住宅生產過程。因此,為了回歸合理的住宅生產負擔,必須檢討都市更新法系的適用性,並且思考真正「為需而建」的自力住宅生產方式可能性,給予適當的政策、融資、專業協助,同時促使社區及早建立組織、互信、吸收相關知識,以為將來所需的住宅更新事務進行準備。


住宅 台北市 自力更新


The purpose of the research is to analyze the production of private non-commoditized housing in Taiwan, and to review the recent urban renewal system through case study and comparison. So the specific content of the researce contains a brief review of housing production evolution in Taiwan after WWII to build a structure for analyzing social relations, cost, and financial tools in housing production. After the review, the author uses the structure to analyze three tpyes of private non-commoditized housing production to induce their characteristics and financial modes.Then we compare the financial modes with two proceeding real cases of self-urban renewal to discover the commoditization and other problems of urban renewal system now in Taiwan, especially in Taipei City. By the research we can divide private non-commoditized housing production into two financial modes: the way of paying money for materials and service, and the way of using floor area value for exchange.The latter way makes house owners free from loan and the burden of collecting money, but it turns non-commoditized production into a commoditized way and only the land owners are qualified for this mode. Urban renewal, the most popular way for housing regeneration in modern Taipei, uses this financial mode, and the government takes every effort to encourage communities to push forward self-urban renewal. The urban renewal system prefers large area plan than small scale housing production, while the government keeps widening the limitation and releasing the bonus floor area which encourages the motivation but makes the process more complicated. The house users have difficulties in being organized and making consensous, and lose control of the production which falls into the hand of professional agency or estate developers. Through the comparison of cases and the simulation of financing, the self-urban renewal makes land owners getting new housing units without paying money for it, which makes the whole society and environment to defray much more than the direct cost of housing production, and to produce more housing for sale than those for use, so self-urban renewal is not an ideal private non-commoditized housing production type. To summarize the study, we consider that current urban renewal system is not fit for general scale housing regeneration in Taiwan, and because of the complexity of housing production, professional agents play a major role than the community do, which means the community needs more help in strengthening their organization, ability, and consensous.


Housing Taipei City Self-Urban Renewal


Wallace F. Smith (1971)《Housing: The Social and Economic Elements》, Berkeley, L.A .
住田昌二、藤本昌也、日本建築士会連合会参加と共生の住まいづくり部会編著(2002)。《参加と共生の住まいづくり》。京都市 : 学芸出版社。
