  • 學位論文


A Preliminary Study on the Development of the Framework for Establishing the Perceived Environmental Human Right Indicator System in Taiwan

指導教授 : 於幼華
共同指導教授 : 張益誠(I-Cheng Chang)


「環境人權(EHR, Environmental Human Rights)」(簡稱「環境權」)是近代新興的一項權利,也是基本人權領域中的重要組成元素之一。近年來臺灣地區在相關社會團體與非政府組織的共同努力下,關於環境權訴求的議題已日益受到學界、政府及民眾普遍重視。然而,國內、外對於環境權之相關研究議題,仍屬萌芽階段且研究有限。因此,若能提出一套可簡化溝通、協助決策及具環境教育、評估、預警功能的指標系統,應具有其意義及必要性,同時亦可呼應國內近年提倡「永續發展」及「人權立國」的理念。 本研究透過遴選、徵詢、再遴選等方式,最後由國內相關領域三十一位學者、專家組成本研究之「專家小組」。進而再應用專家Delphi Technique(德爾菲法)於專家小組間,進行群體決策之問卷調查,包括指標系統共識性調查及知覺現況調查等,並針對調查結果進行必要之統計、效度及信度等分析程序,以冀能在既有的研究經驗與文獻基礎上,兼顧臺灣地區之獨特性,以更具科學性、學術性的方式建構一套符合國內發展特色之「知覺性環境權指標系統(EHR Indicator System)雛型」。 本研究先於專家小組間,完成本研究指標系統雛型之架構共識性調查,再於專家小組間針對「環境權的認知意識」、「教育、公眾參與及傳媒的行動角色」及「政府政策的效能需求」等三個構面(construct)下之四十五項指標共識,進行年度知覺現況調查,主要用以進行系統預試及掌握國內環境權受重視與保障程度之專家知覺意向。研究結果顯示,不論在個別指標層級或整體綜合評價上,平均而言多僅達普通且微正向水準,表示專家小組普遍認為臺灣地區未來在環境權課題的改善上,仍有期許且有相當大的改進空間。 對於後續之研究建議與展望,本研究建議可針對指標系統間之層級架構,進行相對重要性(權重)調查,一方面可作為指標所對應環境權相關事項優先或重要序之提示;另一方面可作為指標系統再精簡指標項數及進一步合成綜合指數之參考依據。此外,本專家指標系統公眾化可行性之評估及建置相關知識溝通資訊平台等,皆具延伸之研究發展價值。最後為指標動態性之要求,即應逐年進行環境權指標調查,並因應時事於系統試行若干年後進行必要之調整,以合理掌握環境權受保障、滿意度,進而導引改善方向。


The Environmental Human Rights (EHR) is regarded as one of the critical elements in the field of the Human Rights. Some issues concerning the EHR have being caught attention under the efforts made by non-government organizations in Taiwan over the last years. However, studies related to EHR were still at the beginning stage in Taiwan and other countries. Consequently, it’s necessary, meaningful and urgent to develop a set of preliminary EHR indicator system to support comprehending, communicating and making decision on issues of EHR in Taiwan. In order to develop a set of perceived EHR indicator system in a more scientific and rational mode. The Delphi technique was used widespread in this study. In addition, some statistic methods were used in this study for fitting the requirements of validity and reliability of questionnaire survey. The process of perceived questionnaire survey was performed after the consensus of the final 45 indicators in our indicator system was reached. The results evaluated and concluded by the 31 respondents of our expert panel in the process of perceived questionnaire survey indicate that the overall performance related to EHR in Taiwan is in a medium level, and it need to be refined in the future. It is highly recommended that the survey of comparative weights among indicators in our system should be performed in follow-up studies. They can be used to indicate the priority and importance of indicators in our indicator system. Furthermore, how to restructure this expert indicator system to a public one as well as how to develop a related information platform are regards as two essential and pragmatic subjects in follow-up studies. Above all, the survey for the EHR indicator system has to perform annually and elaborated a plan of indicator modification for pragmatically portraying state of the EHR in Taiwan.


