  • 學位論文


Infrastructure Mediated Human-Water Relationship: A Case Study of the Xindian Riverfront from Xiulang Bridge to Bitan Bridge Area

指導教授 : 王志弘


本研究嘗試結合政治生態學、基礎設施研究和空間調節機制等觀點的啟發,針對新店溪水(岸)基礎設施中介的人水關係,考察其部署、轉化,以及從擷取資源到風險掌控的過程。基礎設施是轉化新店溪水的性質與人的活動關係的中介物,也是驅動政治經濟力量的技術物。相對於清朝拓墾時期順應自然的利用方式,日治時期展現了現代技術主導的資源統籌及降險施為,然而,戰後發展期卻因劃界治理,與水爭地,讓新店溪成了都市邊緣的厭棄自然,直到晚近在全球都市競爭的驅力下,水岸高灘地華麗轉身為休閒遊憩、景觀化、觀光化的魅力形象塑造場域。本研究資料來源,取自官方規劃報告、統計資料、新聞報導、田野考察、參與式觀察、實地訪談,以及歷史文獻和地圖分析。 透過水(岸)基礎設施所中介的人水關係,分辨出為了實踐親水欲望卻導致「疏離的都市自然」、承擔洪患風險下「時而競爭時而共存」的河濱休閒活動,以及儘管隨著環境變遷卻也無法完全抹除「歷史的紋理」,依託於不同功能形式的基礎設施中介,因而展現都市自然的不同意義。在過往都市河川的治理思維和手段中,看似滿足了防洪需求,忽略了生態維護,兩個課題總是互為矛盾對立,甚至是單向侵害的關係。然而,在防災觀念的轉向並結合環境休閒意識後,這些難題是否突然得以迎刃而解?當政府及專家學者將水中、水岸部署的基礎設施逐漸整併在一起,其與都市水岸計畫的關係是否已被充分考量?無論是水利工程、水岸防災設施還是水岸遊憩建設,它們在不同的情況下是否都能發揮個別的影響力及效用?本研究試圖辨明在資源化、去風險化的過程中,新店溪(自然)不只是一條河流(都市自然),在景觀水岸的發展下,還涉及更上一層次的空間調節機制,因河川線以外的水岸土地價值正在翻轉,其中更彰顯出政治、社會、經濟因素交錯的利益價值衝突。同時,不能忘了,在這片土地上(新店溪畔)生活的人,也會以「自身」的力量重新轉譯水基礎設施的物質性及中介性。換言之,因基礎設施的物質性部署,使新店溪成為一種可取用的自然資源,可阻擋的風險,並透過治理體制及論述形構中介了政治經濟過程與都市發展,也中介了遊憩消費社會,形塑出人與自然的多重關係。


新店溪 基礎設施 資源 風險 人水關係


Through the notions of political ecology, infrastructure research, and spatial regulation regime, this study examines the deployment and transformation of the infrastructure that mediates human-water relationship, as well as how this relationship turns from the stage of resource-taking to risk-control. Infrastructure is not only some medium that transforms the nature of Xindian River and people’s activities, but also works to be part of the political economic development. Contrast to the comformity to nature during the Qing Dynasty, the modern technology during the Japanese colonial period turned water into resource and managed to regulate flooding. However, policy regarding the floods prevention during the post-war period laid a even more distinct boundary between the river and the city. Extensive area outside the embankment became isolated from people’s daily life and was turned into abject nature tht stayed away from the urban life area. Later, given the pressure of global city competition, waterfront transformation is celebrated by the urban government, and the riverfront is re-shaped as space for leisure activity and the icon for image-building through green landscaping. The study will be based on various materials including official planning reports, statistics, journalism, historical literature and maps as well as firsthand field-observation and interviews. Three kinds of human-water relationships under specific mediation of infrastructure can be identified: 1) people hopes to get closer to water nature through their activities on the green landscape yet actually become even more alienated as they now only experience the water in a much regulated way; 2) people try to use the riverfront as a buffer zone that can counter the risk of flooding; and 3) people produced and re-produced the riverfront, which generates historical textures that cannot be totally erased by top-down construction.All these different stages have been based on infrastructure materials of different sorts and embody different meanings of urban nature. During the past years, the governance of urban waterfront seemed to succeed in flood control, but could downplay ecological issues. However, when the ecological ideas of environmentalist groups are materialized as riverfront green space, have all problems been solved? While the government and hydraulic experts deployed specific kinds of water infrastructure, has their connection with urban waterfront plan been considered? Whether it be river engineering, flood protection, or recreational facilities, have their different effects, whether put together or individually, to the rifverfront nature and peoepl’s daily life be taken into account? This study examines the how the water nature is transformed as resource and the subject of risk control. The Xindian River (nature) is not just a river flowing through Taipei (urban nature), it is also part of the spatial regulation regime that is integral to the development of waterfront landscape. Political, social and economic dynamics abound and lead to conflicting interests and values. For example, the value of riverside land skyrockets. Meanwhile, people who lived nearby Xindian River also redefined the mediation of waterfront infrastructure. In other words, the Xindian River has been transformed from nature to useable resource and controllable asset through the infrastructure deployed. The governance and discourses regarding the riverfront is a political-economic process of regulation, as well as the embodiement of urban development and recreation consumer society that build the multiple relations between humans and nature.


