  • 學位論文


Analysis of Construction Insurance for Long Tunnel Construction-A Case Study of Provincial Highway No.9 Improvement Project

指導教授 : 郭斯傑


隧道工程在各項重大工程計劃中,應用十分廣泛,然而因為受到地質狀況不確定性的影響較大,使得發生災損的機率增加,可能之損失幅度亦高,而屬於高風險工程。對於隧道工程之高風險,工程保險一直是用以轉移風險以保障業主或承包商權益之普遍工具,然而國內保險公司對於隧道工程的核保評估與承保態度十分保守,常見保險費率提高與保險條件嚴格之情形,造成承包商覓保困難或理賠處理之爭議,以往文獻雖已探討針對部分保險條件進行研究,對於工程保險之 實際辦理狀況,則較少分析探討。 而目前正由公路總局規劃辦理之台9線蘇花公路山區路段改善計畫,改善長度總計38.4公里,隧道段合計23.4公里,約佔路線長度61%,並以長隧道工程為主,而其工程保險之辦理,則仍為業主現行由得標廠商自行覓保之傳統方式,故考量蘇花改計劃之重要性與代表性,及以往隧道工程覓保之狀況,對於其工程保險之辦理,應有分析探討之必要。 故本研究以蘇花改辦理完成營造綜合保險採購之長隧道工程標段為研究對象,蒐集保險辦理各階段之相關資料並訪查設計顧問與保險市場之評估意見,分析隧道工程保險現況案例建立保險條件評估基礎,以探討研究案例之工程保險辦理過程與結果,歸結現行方式之限制與保險條件訂定落差之可能影響,並分析最終保險條件之影響因素及可能造成之問題,以提供國內後續長隧道工程保險辦理之參考。


Construction of tunnel is widely used in many large-scale construction projects. Due to the uncertainty of geological condition usually resulting in high loss frequency or severity, tunnel construction is deemed as high risk engineering project. To mitigate the impact of financial loss, construction insurance is generally used as a tool for risk transfer by the owners and contractors of the projects. However, also due to the higher risk, insurance companies tend to provide unfavorable insurance conditions and raise premium rate for tunnel construction, which sometimes cause difficulties during insurance procurement and controversies in claim settlement. There have been several recent studies on tunnel construction insurance conditions such as rates, deductibles and additional clauses, but fewer studies have been conducted on insurance procurement. Provincial Highway No.9 Improvement Project is being planned and executed by Directorate General of Highways, MOTC. The total length of the project route is 38.4 kilometers with long tunnel construction becoming the major work among the tunnel section of the project, which is equivalent to about 61% of total route length. Insurance procurement of the project is complied with the current regulation requesting the contractors to purchase insurance on their own. Regarding the importance and representatives of the project, and troubles of tunnel construction insurance in the past, it is necessary to analyse and discuss the construction insurance of the project. This thesis focuses on the long tunnel sections of the project having finished insurance arrangement. Through collecting relevant information of each phase and interviews with project consultant and insurance market, this study intends to establish current standards of insurance conditions based on case analysis, and to discuss the circumstance and result of insurance procurement. Finally, this study concludes the limit of the current regulation and possible influence from omission of insurance conditions, and defines the factors of the result after negotiation among all parties with issues may be caused, in order to provide suggestion or reference for long tunnel construction in the future.


