  • 學位論文


The Analysis of Management and Operation Model of The Huashan Cultural and Creative Industry Center

指導教授 : 蘇彩足


近年來,台灣正面臨高度工業化之後新的挑戰,原來重點扶植產業因不具產品異化的特色已逐漸失去優勢,台灣有必要跨越過去生產型態的極限,邁向以文化為主導的「新經濟」時代。2002年政府正式將「文化創意產業」列為「挑戰2008:國家發展重點計畫」中之一項,亦是我國首次將抽象的「文化軟體」視為國家建設的重大工程,以積極因應台灣產業結構轉型與國家發展基礎環境之整備。其中,「創意文化園區」的規劃設置,是政府推動「文化創意產業」的旗艦計畫,綜觀「華山創意文化園區」環境條件與發展日趨成熟、具象,儼然成為未來台灣藝術、文化與創意產業發展之重鎮。 而華山創意文化園區要能發揮其場域機能而達到預期目標,甚至帶動產業鏈,必須要有更確實、永續的經營模式;亦即,在硬體施作的同時甚且整建工程動工前,軟體規劃及其相關配套措施理應提早確定或併入考量,以促進整體文化創意產業環境的提升。復以研擬「華山創意文化園區」之四種經營模式中,首先政府行政部門經營模式雖為公務體系廣泛採用,但受到民營化風潮影響,實務上仍有進一步探討空間;其次,行政法人秉持新公共管理精神的改革方式,企圖同時滿足民眾對於效率與公共利益的需求,這股組織內部的變革正方興未艾的推動著,此種經營模式亦為未來可能之走向;此外,「公辦民營」現時是個流行於公、私部門間的熱門話題,而公共設施委外經營已成為管理多元化之趨勢,按其受託主體經營目的不同得區分為民間企業、第三部門非營利組織兩種經營模式。 本研究嘗試從文化創意產業發展概況、創意文化園區發展方向,探討華山創意文化園區之經營模式,並透過文獻探討,進而了解創意文化園區的定位與功能,以及華山創意文化園區未來發展構想、空間特質與其相關課題,進而分析「政府行政部門」、「行政法人」、「民間企業」及「非營利組織」之經營模式,強調園區機能運作與群聚效應的重要。本研究結果因應園區場域機能與異質化的空間特質,可朝向複合式的經營模式運作,並配合園區開放區域將營利跟非營利的區塊作清楚切割,假若完全將它歸納為商業或非商業行為施作區,則有利基與誘因部分就由民間去投資,經營上成功機率會比較大,亦作為政府有關單位在選擇經營模式上更多元的考量。


ABSTRACT The Analysis of Management and Operation Model of The Huashan Cultural and Creative Industry Center by JOU, SHING–CHUEN July 2006 ADVISOR(S):Dr. SU, TSAI–TSU DEPARTMENT: POLITICAL SCIENCE MAJOR:GOVERNMENT AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS DEGREE:MASTER OF ARTS Taiwan is facing new challenges from post high-industrialization during the past five years. As a result, the aged developing manufacture industry is losing its advantages. Therefore, it is necessary to overcome previous boundaries in order to achieve the culture-focused “New Economy” era. In 2002, the government of Taiwan officially launched “Culture and Creative Industries” as part of “Challenge 2008: National Development Plan, ” which is the first time that the government incorporated “culture software” into major national development projects. The creation of “Creative and Cultural Park” is one of the biggest undertaking projects of the national “cultural and creative industries” plan. To summarize, the development of “the Huashan Cultural and Creative Industry Center” is strategically most important model for the future growth of Taiwanese arts, culture and creative industry. This thesis attempts to discuss the management and operation model of the Huashan Cultural and Creative Industry Center by analyzing development outline of Cultural and Creative Industries and development direction of Creative and Cultural Parks, in order to understand the position and function of the Creative and Cultural Parks and future development conception, space characters and other related subjects. To further analyzing the management and operation models of “Government administration department,” “Corporationzation,” “Private Industries,” and “Non-for-Profit Organizations,” we need to emphasize the operational function and cluster effects of the industry parks. Based on the functions and space characters of the Industry Center, the recommendation of this study is to adopt the multiple-operation model and to segment for-profit and non-for-profit sections clearly. To maximize the success of operation, it is recommended that the for-profit section should be managed and operated by the private industry. Sequentially, the government should undertake the management and operation of the non-profit section. * Key words:Cultural and Creative Industry;Creative and Cultural Park;The Huashan Cultural and Creative Industry Center


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