  • 學位論文


RFID & SOC Application on Chicken Identification System

指導教授 : 李允中


雞蛋的可追溯系統可以協助種雞場作有效的的配種選擇,但是使用任何噴印在每個雞蛋上的條碼以作為雞蛋識別來建立可追溯系統的成本很高而不容易實用化。本研究發展一個可裝置於集蛋車的RFID及單晶片微電腦種雞蛋記錄可追溯系統。不需在雞蛋上噴印任何識別記號,而是以種雞蛋在蛋盤位置的記錄為識別。系統使用黏貼於種雞雞籠上RFID提供該顆蛋的親代資訊,以荷重元量測雞蛋重量,並將重量數值數位化。以單晶片微處理機(89C51ED2)控制各種資訊的流向,並結合各資訊記錄於EEPROM (24C16A) 上,這些記錄資料可經過RS232介面傳輸到電腦上作進一步的處理。本系統經過初步測試,在資訊取得、記錄與傳輸上都可以正確穩定作業。本系統若能加上雞蛋燈光檢查系統所得到的孵化率資訊,就可以完成一個種雞選育資料管理系統。


RFID 單晶片 家禽育種


It is recognized that traceability of egg would help chicken breeder farms with effective breeding selections. But to imprint any forms of code or label on the surface of each fertile egg for identification is considered too expensive to be practical. This study was conducted to develop a portable RFID based traceability system on a single-chip microcomputer (SCM) for systematic fertile egg identification for the better and reliable chicken breeding improvement. Instead of using any form of imprint identification the system we developed used location of each egg on the tray as its identification. Identification and information of parent hen was read from RFID tag labeled on each cage of the laying parent hen, weight of each egg was measured by load cell and data output in digital formats, all these digital data flows were controlled by a SCM (89C51ED2) and stored in an EEPROM (24C16A) and then the data can be sent to a PC via RS232 interface for further processing. In our primary test indicated that the system can be correctly and stably operated on data collecting, recording and transmitting. If the system is further incorporated with an egg candling system for hatchability data a management information system for chicken breeding selections will be completed.


RFID SCM Poultry breeding


20.Lowe, P. C., J. D. Nowlin, and R. A. Natterman. 1985. Prototype of an egg collection system with semiautomated, computerized dat recording. Poultry Science 64(6): 1239-1241.
.asp .Accessed 29 August 2009.
