  • 學位論文


Research and Development of Next Generation Air Cushion Smart System for Pressure Ulcer

指導教授 : 李世光
共同指導教授 : 許聿翔


本論文的目標是建立一套新世代壓瘡預防空氣坐墊之智慧型系統,目的在於解決壓瘡的問題。壓瘡是一個存在許久的議題,它不只會對病患本身及其家庭造成生理與經濟上的影響,對於護理人員乃至於整個醫療體系而言都是一大挑戰,可見壓瘡預防的重要性。 為了能夠設計出有效預防壓瘡的智慧型系統,本文首先針對壓瘡的形成做探討,並研究市面上相關的壓瘡預防產品以及研究文獻。再根據壓瘡的特性、成因及醫療上的對策,設計出可自動化降低壓瘡形成的個人化裝置。最後,從材料選擇、坐墊硬體設計及製作、氣囊熱壓成型製程、電路設計到最後軟硬體機電整合,製作出了壓瘡預防空氣坐墊之智慧型系統原型。此智慧型系統有三大功能:一、自動調整壓力,為乘坐者提供適當的臀部支撐及釋放壓力。二、調整乘坐者坐姿。三、量測乘坐者體重。 我們應用Arduino控制器來操控獨立氣囊陣列的充、放氣行為,藉由調整氣囊的壓力來釋放臀部的局部壓力,並且透過壓力感測器主動偵測每個獨立氣囊的壓力來作為自動充、放氣的依據,甚至能夠為乘坐者調整坐姿。同時,將偵測到的壓力求取平均值,換算為乘坐者的體重。


The purpose of this thesis is to develop the Next Generational Air Cushion Smart System for preventing Pressure Ulcer. The goal is to solve the general problem of pressure ulcer for paralyzed patients, such as patients with spinal cord injury. Pressure ulcer is the issue that has existed for a long time. It not only brings physical and financial problems to patients themselves and their families, but also becomes a big challenge for medical professionals and even the whole medical system are affected. Thus, it is important to find a solution for preventing pressure ulcer. In order to design a smart system that can prevent pressure ulcer effectively, firstly, this study investigated the causes of pressure ulcer. We also summarized the previous researches and current commercialized products. Secondly, we identified a suitable solution based on the causes and disease process of pressure ulcer. Finally, we built a prototype of smart system based on an air cushion array for pressure ulcer. Material selection, fabrication of metal molds and thermoforming process, hardware implementation, circuit design as well as integration of hardware and software mechatronics were developed in this study. Three major functions of our smart system were developed and investigated, including: automatic adjustment of appropriate pressure, adjustment of the posture, and weight measurement. This study controls inflated and deflated actions of individual gasbag array to release the pressure of partial buttock by using an open access controller: Arduino. We defined inflated and deflated actions to adjust appropriate pressure and the posture by using pressure sensors to detect the pressure in each individual gasbag actively. At the same time, we calculate the average pressure and convert it into weight information.


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