  • 學位論文


A Study of Product Placement regulations in Taiwan - the case on Placement and Sponsorship Marketing of TV Programs.

指導教授 : 黃振家


置入行銷雖行之有年,臺灣直至2012年10月國家通訊傳播委員會(NCC)才初步解禁,訂定暫行開放規範,並開放企業冠名贊助之規範,使電視公司得以在節目播放中提供企業冠名贊助或置入行銷的新行銷管道與機會,其目的是為增加電視媒體的活水財源。 目前國內學界的研究,主要以置入行銷效果研究為主,咸少以訪談方式直接深入瞭解業者執行操作之實際問題;且冠名贊助對於業界來說亦是一項嶄新選擇,研究者透過多元專業訪談及剖析實質問題之研究,深入瞭解因應政府法令鬆綁後,電視媒體環境是否真正得到改善或有更多資金挹注。   本研究採用深度訪談法,訪談對象包括頻道業務主管、頻道節目主管、製作單位人員、廣告主及主管機關,共計13位人員,藉以分析與探討暫行規範開放後,置入行銷與冠名贊助在電視節目中的操作策略與流程,並透過訪談業者瞭解現行規範下所欲改善面向為何,以及業者與主管機關對話後提出問題與建議。   研究結果發現,業界普遍認同政府鬆綁相關規範,惟認為管理思維須更放寬,回歸業者自律,消費者決定;且由於現行暫行規範存在於主管機關的「節目與廣告區分認定原則」之下,使得開放與真實情況有許多矛盾之處,建議應從此規範下移除或獨立規範;從訪談而知,現今置入行銷及冠名贊助之決定權及獲益方皆為頻道業者為主,然業者坦承財源收益仍有限,研究者認為業者亦須自省,不能只依賴政府為其解決本身問題,且業者與政府間應多增加直接溝通管道與機會,使得下情真正上達,而政府亦需制定較符合實情的規範,並規劃更有效的政策,以提升國內影視產業競爭力。


For many years, the Product Placement has been carried out, but National Communications Commission (NCC) in Taiwan began to lift a ban on product placement and sponsorship permitted in TV on October 5th, 2012. The purpose is to attract more investments and improve the quality of programs. At present, the mainly domestic research is to effect on product placement. Seldom, the research deeply understands the real problem for industries by direct interviews. The researcher use multi-professional interviews and an analysis of problem in essence in order to understand on product placement and sponsorship by government.   This research adopt deep interview to 13 senior executive TV channels, programs, producers, advertising sponsor and governing agency. To study and analyze the various factors, the strategic and procedures on product placement and sponsorship have understood after deregulation.   The research result mainly discovered that broadcasters approve of lighter and lighter restriction, but it should be liberal thinking in management and return self-regulatory mechanism and consumer choice. Also, the Temporary Directions for the Commercial Product Placement/ Sponsorship of TV Programs conflict with the Principles of the Separation of Programs and Ads and relevant laws. A lot of contradiction has happened to execute and operate the policy. Broadcasters suggested removing unrealistic regulation. However, broadcasters cannot depend on the government to solve their problems because there are more ways than government. Broadcaster should find their way to go.


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