  • 學位論文


Integrating Metacognitive and Mind Mapping Strategies into the Instruction of Computer Course for Fifth Graders' Learning of Graphic Composition

指導教授 : 黃雅萍


近年來,在教學現場發現,孩子變得被動,不喜歡反思,遇到問題,也不懂連結舊知識及經驗來解決,同理,在資訊教育之電腦繪圖中,孩子的作品,變的單調且構圖粗糙,連日常生活常經歷畫面,也都無法表現在作品中。 因此本研究設計整合後設認知及心智繪圖法為教學策略的電腦教學活動,並以「2010臺北國際花卉博覽會」為其教學背景,讓孩子在學習中能與社會議題接軌,且能透過資訊科技工具去反思生活經驗並透過電腦繪圖將所思表現在作品中。其研究目的在規劃、設計,並實施以整合後設認知及心智繪圖法為教學策略的電腦課程,藉由這樣的教學活動,期能提升學生電腦構圖能力及後設認知能力。 本研究的研究結果,顯示如下: 1.整合後設認知及心智繪圖法為教學策略的電腦課程,對學生的電腦構圖之「題材表現」、「感覺與情感表現」、「想像或思想表現」、「畫面構成表現」等,皆有顯著的進步。 2.這樣的教學活動,對於提昇學生於後設認知之計劃、監控、檢核能力也有顯著的進步。 3.這樣的教學活動,提昇教師與學生互動,讓學生學習更充實愉快,並能間接提昇建立學生自信心。


In recent years, students in class tend to be more passive and they often answer the question without thinking thoroughly. Even when they are facing the problem, they do not know how to solve it with their previous knowledge or experiences. Same situation happened in primary school’s computer graphics classes; the works of students are dull and rough. They have hard time to portrait the image of their daily life situation. Therefore, integrating metacognitive strategies and Mind mapping strategies into the instruction of computer course based on the "2010 Taipei International Flower Expo." is provided in this study. By doing so, the students can connect the social issues in learning. They will be able to rethink their previous experiences by using the informative technology tools, and reflect their thinking into computer graphics works. The purpose of the study is to plan, design, and implement the integrating metacognitive and Mind mapping strategies into the instruction of computer course. By running the teaching activities, the result of advancing the students’ computer graphics and metacognitive abilities is expected . The results of this study show the following: 1.By Integrating metacognitive and Mind mapping strategies into the computer course instruction for students' computer graphic composition, it is found that students’ ability of "subject expression," "feeling and emotion expression," "imagination, or idea expression," and " composition of picture " are significantly improved after the instruction. 2.The teaching activities in this study enhanced students' metacognitive ability which includes planning, monitoring, and self-evaluation. 3.The teaching in this study created more interaction between the teacher and the students. It also facilitated students' learning and increased students' self-confidence.


吳裕聖、曾玉村(2003)。 概念構圖教學策略對小五學生科學文章理解及概念構圖能力之影響,教育研究集刊,49(1),頁135-169。
