  • 學位論文


A Three-Stage Hybrid Approach to Better Job Satisfaction of Taiwanese Pilots

指導教授 : 陶治中


民航機師為專業技術要求極高、培訓期長且替代性低之職業,此職業特性使其成為國際間航空公司積極招收延攬的對象。近年來我國勞工意識抬頭,過去不被關注的勞工權益問題紛紛浮上檯面且為社會大眾所重視,我國航空公司若輕忽國籍機師對於工作之滿意程度,在改善策略仍無法滿足國籍機師的期望與實際需求,又無法強迫機師繼續留任的情況下,則國籍機師有可能會選擇罷工或離職。 本研究之研究對象為中華航空公司集團國籍機師,以國籍機師之工作滿意度為研究課題。首先藉由工作滿意度評量問卷調查,可初步瞭解國籍機師對於工作滿意程度之現況;然後,借助產、官、學界組成之專家小組,針對工作滿意度得分較低之項目進行深度訪談,以獲取提升國籍機師工作滿意度之專業意見,並彙整成明確之可行策略;最後,再請專家小組針對可行策略進行評選,經由猶豫模糊多準則決策方法計算分數後,再依加權得分進行排序,即可獲得提升國籍機師工作滿意度之可行策略。 本研究發現「組織經營型態」、「勞資溝通」、「懲罰制度」、「經營制度」、「經營方式」係華航機師工作滿意度分數最低之五個項目。最後策略排序結果顯示,實務上可行之對應策略原則分別為「專業原則」、「溝通管道多元化原則」、「負增強原則」、「創新原則」、「溝通與回饋原則」,此可作為華航提升國籍機師工作滿意度之參考。 整體而言,本研究提出之三階段混合方法,亦可供其它企業提升員工工作滿意度之參考,以增進勞資關係之和諧。


Airline pilot is a kind of occupation which needs high professional technical skills, long period training and high competition. It is reasonable, therefore, that airline pilots are always recruited by airline companies around the world. Due to labor consciousness the labor rights issues have been highlighted and discussed recently in Taiwan. It is worth researching that some domestic airline pilots intend to strike or quit if airline companies don’t pay attention to take action to better their job satisfaction. In order to find out key decision factors to improve job satisfaction of Taiwan’s airline pilots firstly, this study aims at discovering job satisfaction status of domestic airline pilots by comparing personal background variables and work environment variables. A survey using self-designed questionnaire is conducted for domestic China Airlines pilots. Results reveal that key decision factors to improve job satisfaction of domestic pilots for China Airlines are the way of empowerment, labor communication, punishment rules, organization mechanism and business administration. Then, experts from government, industries, and universities are invited to propose their professional opinions for bettering job satisfaction of domestic pilots. The corresponding improving strategies are derived from their feedbacks and suggestions. Finally, considering evaluation criteria of effectiveness, feasibility and positive influence a hesitant fuzzy set based multi-criteria decision making method is used to rank workable strategies by weighting experts’ scores. The results of empirical study show workable strategies are ranked under professional principle, diversified communication channel principle, negative reinforcement principle, innovational principle, communication and feedback principle. It is concluded that the proposed three-stage hybrid approach can be used for other enterprise studies to improve job satisfaction and labor relationship.


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