  • 學位論文


Facing Death and Finding Hope-The Vision of Life in Taiwan Original Musical

指導教授 : 楊明昱


本研究以臺灣原創音樂劇為主要觀察社會文化的對象,藉由揀選四則關於疾病、死亡文化議題的文本分析與導演訪談,探討其內容反映出的文化狀態。研究認為,台灣的音樂劇在文本獨特性上尚未找到明確的方向,但除去研究對象因表演形式結構不同造成的立場不一致,在本研究中仍發現,面對疾病與死亡的議題,音樂劇較為關照文化中情感的面向,積極的試圖用其他的方式解決「死亡」與「疾病」產生的情感挫折。 另外,臺灣社會對於疾病依舊存在舊有的隱喻,包括對癌症的軍事隱喻、愛滋病的道德指控等。這些社會烙印的再現,雖然在劇中最後都看似積極的得到「接受」等情感上的解決,但在塑造角色形象的過程中仍透露出目前社會對這些議題族群的歧視與逃避,最終仍無法將疾病與死亡從既有的社會烙印中脫出,反而加強人們對於這些議題的逃避念頭。 最後對於此劇種在台灣的發展,本研究認為其雖為一外來劇種,臺灣仍可以利用其已發展完整的架構,更迅速找到訊息有效傳達的方式,但在精神上向內挖掘,以致力推動提升屬於台灣本土情感文化的創作。


This dissertation is written in the light of original Taiwan musical. From four shows about people how to face death in Taiwan, I tried to observe the social opinion from analyzing the text and interviewing the show directors.The study shows that original Taiwan musical didn't have a clear uniqueness in what we called "musical". But it still shows us some peculiar interests like taking things more positive and caring about the emotions. On the other hand, there are still some old illnesses as metaphor in Taiwan-- including the military metaphor of cancer or accusing HIV of moral argument. Though as we can see in the show, the problems about the representations of these social images are solved in a positive way, but it also shows us that people still act biasedly to these groups, and it causes the consequence that we can not free them from prejudices in the course of time. At last, about the latent capacity of musical in Taiwan. It could be a better way to take Broadway musical as a model, and find out what makes us unique through our culture. And, in that way, we will know how to tell exact our story.


林明儀(2005)。〈社團音樂劇實作教學在大學通識教育之研究〉,國立臺南大學戲劇研究所 。
林瑞堂譯(2000)。《你可以更靠近我:教孩子怎樣看待生命與死亡》。台北:張老師文化事業公司。(原著:Kubler-Ross, E. [1999]. The Tunnel And The Light: Essential Insights on Living and Dying. CA: Da Capo Press.)


