  • 學位論文


An Action Research of Applying the Teaching of Shared-book Reading for the First-Grade Students of New Inhabitants in an Elementary School

指導教授 : 張雅芳


本研究以行動研究法探討分享式閱讀教學應用於國小一年級新住民學生之實施歷程與結果。行動研究共分為三個階段,透過質性觀察,了解國小一年級新住民學生在閱讀行為與理解能力之轉變。教師在分享式閱讀教學活動中,透過不斷的行動、觀察、對話、省思與修正,解決所遇到的困難,同時將實施的歷程詳實紀錄、整理並分析資料,以期獲得結論並提供參考。本研究的結論與建議如下: 壹、分享式閱讀教學前的閱讀行為 一、新住民學生對中文書籍的閱讀未具經驗 二、閱讀專注度短暫且容易分心 三、好的閱讀氛圍很重要 四、閱讀習慣需要教師協助建立 貳、分享式閱讀教學期間的閱讀行為 一、分享式閱讀教學讓閱讀更有吸引力 二、閱讀習慣的建立需要長期且連續不斷的進行閱讀活動 三、同儕的支持可以讓閱讀的時間持久 四、教師的引導對個案閱讀的學習很重要 参、分享式閱讀教學期間的閱讀理解 一、理解詞彙的真正涵義,對新住民學生很困難 二、分享式閱讀教學可以幫助新住民學生達到閱讀理解 肆、教師在研究歷程中的困境與專業成長 一、分享式閱讀教學可以幫助新住民學生搭建閱讀學習鷹架 二、在教學現場中進行質性觀察,讓教師更能了解新住民學生的閱讀困境 三、協同教師可以增進教學成長 伍、研究建議 一、可延長分享式閱讀教學活動的時間 二、將分享式閱讀課程結合識字教學 三、可將分享式閱讀教學運用於語文科低成就的學生 四、可探討分享式閱讀教學和學童進行閱讀時間長短的相關性


This study aims to explore the process and the outcomes of the application of the teaching of shared-book reading for the first-grade students of new inhabitants in an elementary school by action research. The action research process was divided into three phases. The transformation of the new-inhabitants students’ reading behavior and comprehension ability was investigated by qualitative observations. During the teaching of shared-book reading, the teacher dealt with difficulties by continuous actions, observations, dialogues, reflections, and corrections. At the same time, the data of the practicing process were thoroughly and accurately recorded, reorganized, and analyzed to come to a conclusion and to provide relevant suggestions. The conclusions and suggestions of this study are as follows: 1. The reading behavior before the teaching of shared-book reading (1) The students of new inhabitants were inexperienced in reading Chinese books. (2) The students’ concentrations on reading were short and they were easily distracted. (3) A good reading atmosphere was important. (4) The students needed help from teachers to develop reading habits. 2. The reading behavior during the teaching of shared-book reading (1) The teaching of shared-book reading made reading more attractive. (2) Long-term and continuous reading activities were needed to develop reading habits. (3) Peer support could make the time of reading last longer. (4) The guidance of teachers was very important for the students to learn reading. 3. The reading-comprehension ability of new-inhabitant students during the teaching of shared-book reading (1) It was very difficult for new-inhabitant students to understand the real meaning of Chinese vocabularies. (2) The teaching of shared-book reading could help new-inhabitant students achieve the goal of reading comprehension. 4. The difficulties and professional growth of the teacher in the research process (1) The teaching of shared-book reading could help new-inhabitant students build the scaffolding of reading. (2) Qualitative observations in the teaching field made teachers understand more about the reading difficulties of new-inhabitant students. (3) Teacher collaboration could improve teaching quality. 5. Suggestions of this study (1) The time for applying the teaching of shared-book reading could be extended. (2)The teaching of shared-book reading could be integrated into the teaching of Chinese characters. (3) The teaching of shared-book reading could be applied to the students who have low achievement in language learning. (4) The relationship between the teaching of shared-book reading and the length of students’ reading time can be further explored.


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