  • 學位論文


Building a tourism management platform by integrating Web2.0 and mobile devices

指導教授 : 洪文斌


近幾年因科技進步,行動載具蓬勃發展,政府建設行動網路基礎設施也趨於完善,但要實現行動智慧生活,若無與之相應的加值服務,也難以完成,因此規劃出有用可行的加值服務軟體平台,有效整合行動載具與網路服務,才能夠真正實現行動智慧生活。 本研究著眼目前台灣旅遊自由行開放,旅遊型態的改變,規劃出旅者與業者整合的旅遊管理平台,業者利用平台建立活動,召募旅者,而旅者分享心得回饋訊息,業者參考旅者回饋訊息,再提升服務,產生正向循環,進而完善全國旅遊服務業。 本研究使用的資訊技術包含, 資料交換使用Web Service、雲端系統使用3-Tier虛擬分層架構、使用Google Map API實現Earth View Point之三維資料管理、行動載具開發使用Android SDK。 最後此平台欲建立有效的旅遊管理、分享、交流、記錄、召募、合作平台。


In recent years, due to the advance of information technology, mobile devices have developed rapidly and the mobile network infrastructure built by the government has become more mature. However, if there are no value-added services working with them, the realization of life of mobile intelligence is difficult. Therefore, to achieve the above purpose, it needs to build feasible value-added service software platforms and to effectively incorporate mobile devices and network services. The goal of this research is try to build a travel management platform combining information from travelers and travel operators to fit the change of tourism types of Taiwan travel, which is opening to free individual travels. The latter use the platform to promote activities and solicit travelers, and the former share their travel experiences and feedbacks. The travel operators can improve their service quality according to the travelers’ feedbacks. Thus, a positive cycle is created to make the nation-wide tourism services industry perfect further. The information techniques used in this research include Web service used for data exchange, virtual 3-Tier architecture used for cloud systems, Google Map API used to realize the 3-D data management of Earth View Point, and mobile devices using Android SDK for development. Finally, this platform is to be built as an effective one for tourism management, information sharing, communication, recording, soliciting, and cooperation.


[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Android_version_history
[2] http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/is
[3] http://ngis2.moi.gov.tw/Storage/MOI_NGIS/journal/71/
