  • 學位論文


Study on the CAS Label Policy Effect of National Safe Agriculture:A Case Study of CAS Fine Quality Rice

指導教授 : 黃振豊 孔繁華


本研究旨在了解農產品經營業者加入CAS標章驗證制度之動機與CAS標章驗證制度推行之關鍵因素及方法。此外並了解CAS標章驗證制度對農會業者或農產品經營者組織績效之影響,以及探究生產經營業者對政府推行CAS標章政策所運用的各項政策工具之看法與我國推行CAS標章政策時面臨到的問題與障礙。本研究以文獻分析法及深度訪談法作為本研究研究方法之採用,本研究深度訪談之對象計有10人。深度訪談對象共分兩類,第一類是農會業者,第二類是糧商經營業者。依據訪談資料分析的結果,本研究主要發現歸納結論如下: 1.CAS驗證之內在動機主要以提升產品之形象、價值與品質,產品差異化之區隔,以及自我提升為主。而外在動機則以配合政府政策、客戶之要求,以及同業競爭者之壓力為主。 2.CAS標章驗證制度成功推行之關鍵因素上,在生產經營業者本身上,主要包括主管階層的決心與支持、經營業者的自我要求;在政府角色上,主要在CAS標章驗證制度設計良窳與否,以及各項技術輔導與教育訓練相關事宜,包括CAS驗證內容與ISO認證內容之差異性、負責人員有CAS驗證推行之相關經驗、相關輔導單位之技術輔導與教育訓練。 3.取得相關產品之CAS驗證,可提高消費者在選購商品時的品牌辨識度,使消費者認同度較高或較容易取得新客戶之訂單,進而對營收有助益。然除有形之效益外,CAS驗證之取得,不論對農會業者本身,或是糧商經營業者,均有助其組織形象、商譽,以及產品價值之提升。 4.驗證之行政作業流程過於繁複、輔導機制不足、驗證費用過於昂貴、各項農產標章制度間之取代性、互補性,與國際接軌問題、CAS驗證制度之源頭管理問題、CAS驗證知名度問題,以及驗證公信力不足等均是我國推行CAS標章政策之問題與障礙。 根據研究結論,本研究提出以下建議供相關單位做參考: 1.政府應針對稻米市場之價量保持敏感性。 2.提升稻米產業規模經濟。 3.教育消費者認識標章之意義進而使其培養固定購買有標章產品的習慣。 4.排除推行CAS標章政策之結構性問題。


The purpose of this research is to understand the motivation of produce industry proprietors who join CAS accreditation system and the key factors that propel the validity of CAS accreditation system, along with a look at what influences there are in CAS accreditation system which affects farmers’ association or produce industry proprietors’ organization. What is to be explored also includes produce industry proprietors’ view toward government’s CAS accreditation policies and tools, as well as the problems and obstacles that CAS accreditation system faces in this country. This research adopts documentary analysis and in-depth interview, with 10 case study targets. The first category is farmers’ association, while the second category is produce industry proprietors. According to the analyzed result, this research concludes what has been found as follows: 1.CAS accreditation system’s initial purpose is to enhance the image, value and quality of the products, with a view to marking distinctions among all products and to self-improvement. The practical drive is to accommodate government policies, clients’ needs, and competitors’ pressure. 2.The key factors that determines how successful CAS proceeds lie in the manufacturers, including the resolution and support from the management level and self-requirement of the farmers’ association. The government’s role mainly focuses on verifying whether the accreditation is well-rounded, and the specification of its technical support and training, including the identifying the difference between CAS and ISO accreditation, acquiring CAS certificate or experience for all involved staff, and running consultative and educative training for all related bureaus. 3.Acquiring CAS accreditation enhances the brand recognition when buying a product, allowing for higher brand loyalty and easier orders from new customers, which help improve profits. Other than the increased revenue, the acquisition of CAS, not only for farmers’ association but also for the produce industry proprietors, also benefits the image, reputation, and product value of the organization. 4.The accreditation of the administration process is too complicated, counseling institution too few and far between, accreditation fee too expensive, assorted accreditations too overlapping, international synchronization too access-lacking, top-down management of CAS too systematic, CAS recognition too unrecognized, and validity too unconvincing. These are the problems and obstacles of the CAS accreditation system that this country has to face. According to the research result, it is recommended that related institution have the following solution. 1.keep track of the price fluctuation of the rice market. 2.expand the scale of the rice industry 3.educate the public about what the accreditations mean and foster public awareness in purchasing accredited products. 4.eliminate the problems structural problems of CAS accreditation system


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