  • 學位論文


Study on the Financial Supervisory System of the European Union: The Case of France

指導教授 : 陳麗娟


歐洲聯盟為了能如期於1992年實現單一市場,首要目標是開放各會員國之邊界並且整合相關之政策,因此,歐盟自1990年起便開始採取各種積極的措施以實現單一市場。在發展單一金融市場方面,歐盟則是期望能使各會員國金融服務業者提供跨國的服務,而在整合金融市場法規方面,歐盟將重點置於保護投資人與促進金融業者的跨國營業等。2001年歐洲聯盟提出Lamfalussy程序確立四階段的立法程序,並利用Lamfalussy程序加強監督歐盟單一金融市場之活動。2009年時,為因應2007年全球金融危機的發生,歐盟提出了多項金融監理改革措施。其中,以國際貨幣基金(IMF)前總裁Jacques de Larosière所領導的金融監理專家小組提出之報告尤為重要,報告內容針對歐盟金融監理制度提出了改革建議。為加強金融市場的監理架構,歐盟將報告所提出之框架做為歐洲金融監理制度改革的主要架構,以期在改革之後,能夠擁有更穩固的金融監理體系,並且有效地解決目前的金融危機。 本論文在歐洲聯盟金融監理法規的架構下,探討歐洲單一金融市場的發展演進,說明歐洲聯盟如何在統合與發展單一金融市場的同時,兼顧建立與改革金融監理制度。並以法國為例,討論在會員國層次上,會員國如何落實歐盟之法規及落實的程度是否踏實。


Since the European Union (EU) established the Internal Market in 1992, the primary goal of the EU has been opening the borders of the Member States and to integrate all aspects of policy. Therefore, the EU has taken a variety of measures for the Single Market since 1990.The EU has contributed to developing the Single Financial Market so that the financial service industry can provide cross- border service. In addition, the EU has harmonized the national laws in order to protect investors and facilitate the cross-border financial business. In 2001, the EU integrated the Lamfalussy Process to establish the four stages of legislative processes, and to strengthen the financial supervisory system. With the global financial crisis in 2007, the EU has taken measures according to the Report of de Larosière to reform the financial supervisory system. The goal of this reform is to stabilize the financial mark and efficiently resolve the current financial crisis. This thesis works on the development of the European Single Financial Market under the framework of the EU’s financial supervision. It also focuses on the reform of the EU financial supervision. Taking France as an example to describe how France executes the EU’s financial market laws.


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