  • 學位論文


The Study of Consumer Purchase Intention to Taiwan Residential Earthquake Insurance—The Perspectives From Owner of the Building

指導教授 : 廖述源
共同指導教授 : 高棟梁


台灣位處太平洋火環帶之中,地震頻繁發生。自1999年9月21日起,南投地區發生地震,致使台灣全國影響甚鉅,時至今日,民眾仍歷歷在目。   台灣辦理住宅地震保險時間,已十餘年之久,而投保率也僅只佔全體國民之30%,顯示台灣雖位處地震頻繁地區,然民眾似乎尚未有投保意願。因此,本研究藉由探訪全國民眾之房屋所有者之訪查,回收671份問卷,瞭解與分析目前台灣民眾未投保住宅地震保險之主因,其分析結果如下:   第一點,理賠門檻嚴苛,必須達到房屋全倒才能理賠,全國民眾評估地震發生 時,房屋影響較少,實難符合目前設定之門檻,希望能下調理賠門檻。   第二點,保障內容不足,台灣地震保險承保內容以房屋為主體,然各地除地震外有其他需求,如颱風、淹水、土石流等,因而各地所需保障內容不同。   第三點,保險金額150萬元,未能符合房屋實際價值,以現今台灣房價上漲之 趨勢,住宅地震保險之保險金額,難符合基本保障之功能。   第四點,缺少部分、動產理賠,民眾評估地震發生時,房屋容易出現部分毀損 或是動產毀損狀況,因而希望能增加此理賠項目。   第五點,單一費率公平性,單一費率計算仍使民眾發生爭議,望落實差別費率。   最後,我國民眾對地震保險認知上,仍有些所之不足,且期望有些條件改變, 因而民眾不願購買地震保險。


Taiwan, an island located on the Ring of Fire, is struck by earthquake frequently. Ever since the Chi-Chi Earthquake, which took place in September 21th 1999 and had a catastrophic impact, people of Taiwan will never underestimate damage that an earthquake can bring.   Earthquake insurance has been issued for over a decade in Taiwan. Yet, despite the fact that Taiwan suffers from earthquake quite often, earthquake insurance has merely a 30% coverage. Apparently, people of Taiwan are not willing to purchase related insurance merchandise. In order to gain more understanding of the behavior, 671 questionnaires are evaluated.   Five reasons explaining why people of Taiwan have such behavior are made:   First, Difficulty in meeting the claim, which requires a full demage, or a collapse on the insured property. Respondents of the survey desire policies with easier on the barrier.   Second, Limited coverage in other natural disasters. Besides earthquake, Taiwan is constantly struck by other natural disasters such as Typhoon, floods, land slides.   Third, Limited insured amount. As housing market keeps rising, a ceiling of 1.5 millions NTD in insured amount does not meet the projection of the real estate value.   Forth, Limited coverage in property. Earthquake insurance in Taiwan mostly covers only real property. Policy appears less appealing when personal property is not covered.   Fifth, Flat rate. Resoindents of the survey state that flat rate in earthquake insurance cannot faithfully responde to the value of real estate.   In conclusion, people of Taiwan have limited knowledge in earthquake insurace. Further current policies do not meet the expactation. As a result, people of Taiwan are generally not in favor of purchasing earthquake insurace.




