  • 學位論文


The Impact of Berueauratic Culture and Knowledge Transference on Members’Career Commitment and Job Satisfaction in the Special Service Organization─Mentorship as a Mediator

指導教授 : 洪英正 李芸蕙


2000年第10任總統選舉導致第一次政黨輪替後,警衛人員之輪調產生大變化,也因此產生許多問題及缺失。「絕對萬全」與「親民愛民」是特勤的兩大目標,如何取得平衡,經驗的傳承是無法完全從書籍中得到的精髓。 特勤中心階層嚴明、專業分工等特徵符合Wallach(1983)所提之 官僚型文化;特勤之專業知識透過內隱、外顯知識移轉方式傳承符合Nonaka & Konno(1998)所提外化及結合化的策略;特勤組織明顯存在主管、部屬及學長制,因此符合Ragin et al.(2000)所稱之師徒關係類型;Donaldson. et al.(2000)認為,師徒關係對各種組織行為的關係中,最為企業組織所重視的是組織承諾與組織公民行為;李倩鈺(2002)研究發現良好的師徒關係對於教育學習與專業成長均有正面的幫助。郭峰淵、曾繁絹、劉家儀(2006)研究發現醫學院學生透過師徒制,從中累積醫學知識與專業技能。 本研究主要目的在探討特勤人員在特勤官僚文化知識移轉、師徒關係對其生涯承諾與工作滿意度之影響。研究假設如下:特勤中心之官僚文化對特勤人員之生涯承諾、工作滿意度、師徒關係有顯著影響;師徒關係對於特勤人員之生涯承諾、工作滿意度有顯著影響;知識移轉對特勤人員之生涯承諾、工作滿意度、有師徒關係顯著影響。師徒關係在特勤中心官僚文化與知識移轉對生涯承諾與工作滿意度之影響有顯著中介效果。 本研究採問卷調查法,以特勤組織之特勤人員為對象。問卷共發240分,有效問卷為201份(83.7%),使用SPSS 19版統計軟體,進行因素分析、敘述性統計分析、信度分析、迴歸分析、t檢定及單因子變異數分析。 經統計分析驗證,結論如下:特勤中心之官僚文化對特勤人員之生涯承諾、師徒關係沒有顯著影響;但對於工作滿意度有顯著影響;師徒關係對於特勤人員之生涯承諾、工作滿意度有顯著影響;特種勤務之知識移轉對特勤人員之生涯承諾、工作滿意度及師徒關係有顯著影響;師徒關係在特勤中心官僚文化對生涯承諾及工作滿意度之影響沒有顯著中介效果;在知識移轉對特勤人員生涯承諾與工作滿意度上則有顯著中介效果;人口統計變項除配偶是否就業在知識移轉、不同年齡層在官僚文化上有達顯著差異,餘各變項均無顯著差異。 本研究建議:應建立完善、公允考評文化以提升滿意度;透過知識移轉將特勤專業知識(外顯、內隱知識)讓新進特勤人員在最短時間內習得專業知識與技能;設置專人輔導機制(師徒關係之建立),有助於特勤組織之專業知識之傳承;讓新進同仁由勤務中得到心理與實質獎勵,提昇同仁生涯承諾及增強工作滿意度。而提高同仁工作滿意度,有助於組織發展及較高的承諾。


Since the party translation in 2000, job rotation of security guards have greatly difference and lead to many problems. ‘Surely secured’ and ‘securing people’ are the two main goals for the Special Service Organization. It’s a big task to get balance between both goals and inheritance of experience cannot be obtained from books. The characteristic of distinct ranks and professional division of labor of the secret service center coincides with bureaucratic culture (Wallach, 1983). The inheritance of professional knowledge of the secret service via inner and external translations is connected with the outward and inward strategy (Nonaka & Konno, 1988). The organization of the secret service consists of superintendents, subordinates, and mentors (Ragina et al. 2000). Among the relationships of master and apprentice, the enterprises mainly stress organizational commitment and behaviors of organizational citizens (Donaldson et al, 2000). Good relationships of master and apprentice positively benefit educational learning and professional growth (Chen-Yu Lee, 2002). Medical students accumulate medical knowledge and professional skills (Yu- Fung kau, 2006). The objective of the research is to investigate the impact of bureaucratic culture and knowledge transference on members’ career commitment and job satisfaction in the Special Service Organization. The hypotheses on the study are as follows: bureaucratic culture in the Special Service Organization would has the significant influence on members’ career commitment, job satisfaction, and mentorship; mentorship would has the significant influence on members’ career commitment and job satisfaction; knowledge transference would has the significant influence on members’ career commitment, job satisfaction, and mentorship; mentorship as a mediator in bureaucratic culture and knowledge transference in the Special Service Organization would have statistically significant influence on members’ career commitment and job satisfaction. A questionnaire survey is adopted as the research method and the samples of the study are employees in Special Service Organization. A total of 240 questionnaires were returned and only 201 valid questionnaires are analyzed in the study with IBM SPSS. Statistics v19. The findings are as follows: bureaucratic culture in the Special Service Organization has no significant influence on members’ career commitment and mentorship, but job satisfaction; mentorship has significant influence on members’ career commitment and job satisfaction; knowledge transference has significant influence on members’ career commitment, job satisfaction, and mentorship; mentorship as a mediator in bureaucratic culture in the Special Service Organization has no significant influence on members’ career commitment and job satisfaction, but knowledge transference; varied demographic variables of the study have no significant difference on different variables but spouses if in the state of being employed and age have some significant meaning. The research provides some suggestions as following: building sound and fair evaluation culture to boost the job satisfaction; making new comers in the Special Service Organization learn professional knowledge and skills via knowledge transference in the short time; setting counseling mechanism to improve the inheritance of professional knowledge of the secret service; letting new comers obtain mental and practical rewards to increase members’ career commitment and job satisfaction. Increasing the job satisfaction enhances the organization development and members’ career commitment.


