  • 學位論文


Learning from conversations at the Chat Corner of Tamkang University’s International Office: A multi-disciplinary approach

指導教授 : 黃月貴


對身處在英語為外國語言(EFL)環境中的學生而言,類似聊天角落的機制,已然成為與外籍人士有社交對談的唯一機會。 這是一個不同於實際生活,可更安心對話的環境,相較於課堂中也更具社交真實感,EFL學習者可在此複合的環境中藉由L2建立社會性定位,開始接觸異文化。本研究目的在於經檢視語言、文化、實務的學習機會以及情感面的因素,發掘以這種制度學習之可能性。此研究係建立於在淡江大學聊天角落七小時的對話錄音與分析。 此外,理論結果亦得於在學期末與四位參與者舉行了長達兩小時的群組訪問中。 結果顯示L2學習者在對話中,大多有機會能夠認識新的詞彙,並可能使用於自己往後的對話裡;然文法方面的涉取卻極少。由此紀錄也可得知,因溝通需求,迫使學生以多樣的策略來跳脫現有的語言知識。大量文化交流與異文化學習的跡象,顯示學生在與外籍人士交談時逐漸得到自信和克服焦慮緊張感。可見,學生也能大量接觸並使用更符合語言習慣及口語化的方式來談話;此理論發展是經由受訪者們而非以往陳舊制度。論文推斷結果涉及尋找談話領導,以建議和準則的形式,使談話課程對那些參加者來說更有效益及意義, 並成為對往後研究的參考。


For learners in an EFL environment, institutions like the Chat Corner often constitutes the only opportunity to interact socially with native speakers. Being more sheltered than real-life situations, yet more socially authentic than the classroom, it is a hybrid environment where EFL learners can begin to cross-culturally interact using L2 in a social setting. The purpose of this study is to explore the learning potential of this type of institution, by examining linguistic, cultural and pragmatic learning opportunities, as well as affective factors. The study was conducted by recording and analyzing 7 hours of conversation at the Chat Corner of Tamkang University. In addition, a two-hour long group interview was conducted with four participants after conclusion of the chat sessions at the end of the semester. Results showed that opportunities abounded where new vocabulary was introduced and in some cases employed by the L2 learners in ensuing conversation, yet few instances were found where grammar acquisition was demonstrated. It was also found that the need to communicate meaning compelled learners to overcome limitations of their linguistic know-how through various strategies. There was a substantial amount of cultural exchange and evidence of cross-cultural learning, as well as evidence that learners gradually gained confidence and overcame anxiety when speaking to native speakers. It was seen that learners were also exposed to more idiomatic and colloquial use of language, yet to what extent this was acquired by participants was not established. The study concludes with the implications of the findings for chat leaders, in the form of suggestions and guidelines towards making the chat sessions more beneficial and meaningful to those who participate, as well as to the EFL learning field in general, and some suggestions for future research.


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