  • 學位論文


The Effects of Corporate Governance, Competition and Diversification on Firm Values

指導教授 : 倪衍森


由於次貸風暴橫掃全球,公司治理的重要性日益提高,而且公司治理的好壞應有助於公司價值的提升,然而其實此課題有進一步分析的空間;企業在實行策略時,良好公司治理亦會對其產生影響,就投資組合的概念,多角化的實施與公司治理有所相關,其著墨是否有降低企業風險,或是企業將觸角跨入不同領域是否會造成風險的下降抑或是獲利的提升;是以上述這些種種之於公司治理是否有所裨益,進而進一步會提升公司之價值,此乃是本研究所欲探討之課題。此外企業間競爭日益趨向加劇,是以企業的競爭力有進一步提升的空間,企業必須重視創新及對建立品牌產生認知,本研究亦針對此來探討與公司價值之影響。 本研究係以國內上市一般產業公司作為研究對像,採用多元迴歸模型及Panel Data模型等統計方法,探討公司治理、競爭力、多角化與公司價值之關係。並有以下重要發現:其一為董監質押比在應變數為Tobins’Q下,呈顯著負相關,代表董監質押比率增加,可能降低公司價值,所以投資者在選擇投資標的時,對此比率的質押高低需予以關注;其二為資訊透明度在公司價值為Tobins’Q下的結果是為顯著正相關,此外資訊透明度高的公司,對公司價值是有所差異。而專利權此變數之於公司價值的影響亦呈顯著正相關,由於專利是研發活動下的成果,企業對研發活動的重視,可視為企業意識到創新的重要性;其三為雖然市場佔有率對公司價值並無顯著的影響,其成因乃是市佔率的增加,可能源自於殺價競爭的結果,然而若是市佔率增加且淨利率亦能維持住,則有顯著正相關,是以如何擴大市佔率而不損傷淨利率,是提升公司競爭力的重要課題;其四為產業多角化及集團與公司價值呈顯著負相關,由於過度的投資及交叉補貼可能使得提升價值的成效不彰;其五為以經理人持股及股權集中度為中介變數時,可增強財報變數對公司價值之影響,最後應變數為Tobins’Q及ROE的實證結果顯示,品牌價值對公司價值呈正相關,此亦說明成功品牌的經營是有裨益於公司價值的提升,是以如何建立成功的品牌價值,也是企業未來需要戮力的重要方向。


Abstract: The importance of corporate governance would be more and more stressed by enterprises after the huge loss caused by subprime mortgage markets. Thus, whether corporate governance, enterprising competition, and diversification linked by the idea of portfolio will raise the firm values is a vital topic for this research. This study’s sample is listed company in Taiwan from 2005 to 2008, our study use the regression model and Panel Data Model to analysis the relationship between corporate governance, core competitive, corporate diversification and firm value. The empirical results show as follows: First of all, the pledged shares of directors has significant negative impact on Tobins’Q and ROE that we infer the pledged shares of directors is higher, maybe the firm value is lower. When investor decide the investment object, they can take the notice of it. Secondly, The information transparency, paten and brand value have significant positive impact on firm value. The patent is a result of research and development, the firm respect the research and development that means firm know importance of innovation. And the successful brand is useful increase the firm value. How to build the successful brand is the direction of firms. Thirdly, the market share has no significant impact, maybe the firm use the price stratagem to increase the market share. However, if firm can increase the market share and maintain the net profit, it could get the positive impact on firm value. Thus firm should consider how to increase the market share and do not decrease the net profit. Forthly, industry diversification and business group have negative impact on firm value, maybe over investment can not promote the firm value more. Finally, this study use the corporate governance as mediator, the result infer that can increase the impact of financial variable to firm value.


