  • 學位論文


A Study on the Influence of Criminal Policemen’s Career Development Strategy on their Job Stress: Using Perceived Organizational Support as the Moderator

指導教授 : 洪英正


鑑於社會上的犯罪類型層出不窮,犯罪手法日新月異,刑事警察人員所要面對的是工作責任日益加重、工作時間長、業務複雜多樣化、績效的要求、社會各界的高度檢視、加上家庭因素、長官及同事間因素及個人心理調適等問題,造成刑事警察人員壓力不斷累積,在工作上無法適應,而在心裡上產生不愉悅的負面感受(French & Kahn,1962 ; Jeremy,2005);另在知覺組織支持方面,即組織評價成員對組織的重要貢獻,以及組織是否真實的關心員工福利所形成的整體知覺總合(Eisenberger et al, 1990),許多刑事警察人員亦沒有得到組織基本的認同感,因此致使部份的刑事警察萌生辭意或是轉換跑道再出發,是故生涯策略之選擇與運用著實扮演著重要的角色(余朝權,1998)。可見知覺組織支持亦是具有舉足輕重的地位,因此刑事警察人員的生涯發展策略、工作壓力及知覺組織支持等因素間關係密不可分,上述3者間的交互作用關係乃是值得去深入探討的。 本研究旨在研究刑事警察人員之生涯發展策略、工作壓力、知覺組織組織支持間之相關影響,以臺北市政府警察局及所屬分局之刑事警察人員為研究母群體做調查,採用滾雪球與便利抽樣的方式,共回收174份有效問卷,並以SPSS統計套裝軟體進行迴歸分析、層級迴歸分析、t檢定和變異數分析等統計方法來驗證各研究假設,研究結果顯示如下: 1.生涯發展策略對刑事警察工作壓力有部份顯著負向影響。 2.知覺組織支持對刑事警察工作壓力有顯著負向影響。 3.知覺組織支持對其生涯發展策略影響工作壓力上具有部份正向調節作用。 4.不同人口統計變項之刑事警察人員在生涯發展策略、工作壓力及知覺組織支持上等構面上有顯著差異。 本研究結果證實了知覺組織支持對刑事警察人員生涯發展策略及對工作壓力上具有正向調節作用,藉此研究提供給警察機關決策者及後續研究者之參考。


Owing to the emerging crimes and improving modus operandi, criminal policemen have faced loaded work stress, long working hours, complex work duties, demanding performance evaluation, and highly examination of the society. The criminal policemen were burden with private and public sector factors and personal psychological adjustment. Not fitting in the job has created negative unpleasant feeling(French & Kahn,1962; Jeremy, 2005. In terms of perceived organizational support, the organization values the contributions and cares about employees’ well-being and should fulfill their socio-emotional needs (Eisenberger et al., 1990), but criminal policemen did not receive assurance from the organization and then initiate the thoughts of resignation or transfer to other jobs. Hence the choice and application of career strategy place important roles (Yu Chao Chuan, 1998), so does perceived organizational support. In sum, criminal policemen’s career development strategy, job stress and perceived organizational support tie closely and worth researching. The research emphasizes on the impact of criminal policemen’s career development strategy on their job stress and using perceived organizational support as a moderator. The population is Criminal policemen based in Taipei City Police Department and its precincts, with 174 valuable questionnaires, were applied by snowballing and convenience sampling method. Statistical Package for Social Science was used to verify the hypotheses by regression analysis, hierarchical regression analysis, t-test, analysis of variance and other statistical methods. The research results show: 1. There is a negative significant impact by career development strategy on criminal policemen’s job stress. 2. There is a negative significant impact by perceived organizational support on criminal policemen’s job stress. 3. Perceived organizational support has partial positive moderating effects on the impact of career development strategy to criminal policemen’s job stress. 4. Different demographic variable of criminal policemen were varied significantly in career development strategy, job stress and perceived organizational support. The research confirms perceived organizational support has partially positive moderating effects of career development strategy for criminal policemen. The research finding is dedicated to reference of police chiefs and researchers. Key word: Criminal policemen, Career development strategy, Job stress, Perceived organizational support


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