  • 學位論文


Positive Thinking and Job Stress: An exploratory analysis of personnel staffs of New Taipei City Elementary school

指導教授 : 李仲彬


本研究主要目的是以新北市國民小學人事人員為例,探討心理面正向思考特質與工作壓力關聯性,並進而探討不同背景變數(包括性別、年齡、學歷、職務、本職服務年資、婚姻狀況、學校地區、學校類型、學校規模等九項)的人事人員其工作壓力及正向思考程度是否有所不同。 本研究方法以問卷調查法為主。以新北市國民小學專任人事人員為調查的對象,並參酌相關文獻形成研究架構,而編製成「正向思考特質與工作壓力:以新北市國民小學人事人員為例調查問卷」。經由問卷調查蒐集到有效問卷97份,並進行相關統計分析與處理。依據研究發現提出結論與建議,期能提供上級人事主管機關、學校單位、人事人員及後續研究者參考。 本研究之重要發現為: 一、不同年齡人事人員與工作壓力來源在人際關係、專業知能、家庭工作衝突及整體工作壓力構面具顯著差異。 二、不同職務人事人員與工作壓力來源具有顯著差異。 三、不同學校規模人事人員與工作壓力來源在孤單感、上級壓力、人際關係、角色衝突及整體工作壓力構面具有顯著差異 四、不同年齡人事人員與工作壓力程度具顯著差異。 五、不同婚姻狀況人事人員與正向思考具顯著差異。 六、人事人員的工作壓力來源與工作壓力程度中呈現顯著正相關。 七、正向思考中,正向態度會調節工作壓力。 根據上述研究結論,本研究提出以下之建議: 一、對上級人事主管幾關之建議 (一) 舉辦實質且小班制研習。 (二) 針對人事人員組成關懷小組。 (三) 職務代理人制度之落實。 (四) 合理分配人事機構員額配置。 二、對學校單位之建議 (一) 落實分層負責明細表。 (二) 尊重人事專業。 三、對人事人員之建議 (一) 積極參與正向思考研習。 (二) 建立一個具正向思考能量的學習圈。 (三) 一視同仁、做好本分。 (四) 參與學校社團。 四、對未來研究者之建議 (一) 更改問卷發放方式。 (二) 擴大研究對象範圍 (三) 擴大研究變數。 (四) 擴大研究方法。


Focusing primarily on personnel staffs of elementary schools in New Taipei City, the study explored the relationship between positive thinking and job stress and subsequently investigated whether or not there is any difference in the levels of job stress and positive thinking of personnel staffs in regard to different background variables (including gender, age, level of education, position, years of service, marital status, school area, school type, and school size). For the study, a questionnaire survey was adopted. The questionnaire “Positive Thinking and Job Stress: Taking personnel staffs of Elementary Schools in New Taipei City as Case Study”, which targeted full-time personnel staffs of elementary schools in New Taipei City and referred to related literature in forming the research framework, was prepared. Through the questionnaire survey, the study received 97 valid questionnaires in return, and the collected data were processed for related statistical analyses. According to the study’s findings, conclusions and suggestions were made in the hope of serving as reference for higher-level personnel authorities, schools, personnel staffs, and researchers conducting follow-up studies. Important findings of the study were as follows: 1.Personnel staffs of different ages showed significant differences in their sources of job stress with respect to the interpersonal relationship, the professional knowledge and skills, the work-family conflict, and the overall job stress. 2.Personnel staffs of different positions demonstrated significant differences in their sources of job stress. 3.Personnel staffs working at different sizes of schools showed notable differences in their sources of job stress with respect to the sense of loneliness, the pressure from higher authorities, the interpersonal relationship, the role conflict, and the overall job stress. 4.Personnel staffs of different ages demonstrated noticeable differences in their levels of job stress. 5.Personnel staffs of different marital statuses showed significant differences in their positive thinking. 6.There was a significantly positive relationship between the sources of job stress and the degrees of job stress of personnel staffs. 7.A positive attitude in one’s positive thinking would help to cope with the job stress. Based on the aforementioned conclusions, the following suggestions were proposed in the study: 1.Suggestions to higher-level personnel authorities (1)Conducting workshops of substance and of small class size. (2)Establishing a personnel clerk care team. (3)Putting the “substitute staff” system into effect. (4)Ensuring the rational allocation of personnel. 2.Suggestions to schools (1)Putting the schedule of delegation of responsibility into practice. (2)Respecting the professionalism of personnel staffs. 3.Suggestions to personnel staffs (1)Actively participating in workshops on positive thinking. (2)Establishing a positive thinking learning circle. (3)Treating all people equally and fulfilling one’s duty. (4)Participating in school clubs. 4.Suggestions to researchers conducting follow-up studies (1)Changing the way the questionnaire is distributed. (2)Broadening the scope of study subjects. (3)Expanding the variables studied. (4)Expanding the research method.


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