  • 學位論文


A Study on the Development of Japanese Local Industry from the Perspective of Agglomeration-Case of Sanjo City and Tsubame City in Niigata Prefecture

指導教授 : 任燿廷


1990年代之後,日本的地方產業空洞化日趨嚴重。「地方產業絕大多數是中小企業,沒有過多資源可供運用下,要如何適應全球化的經濟活動?」基於該問題意識,筆者從產業聚集的觀點,審視日本地方產業過去面臨威脅時的動向與因應過程,尋求地方產業持續發展的啟示。 本研究以文獻探討為主,輔以日本中小企業廳平成17年的《產地概況調查》統計資料,探討1980至2005年其地方產業的實情,另從《工業統計調查》的歷年統計資料,檢視1975年到2000年間新潟縣三条市與燕市金屬製品製造業的產業聚集創新。 結果: 1.高成本地方的產業聚集應朝創新型產業聚集轉型;「彈性專精化」、「社會資本」、「地方氛圍」是它的重要概念。 2.1980年代後,日本政府逐漸將中小企業視為振興地方經濟的旗手,但是目前日本地方產業的最大特質-「產地整體大量、重複生產同質性且低附加價值的日常消費用品」與其他缺陷都不利競爭。因此,2000年之後,「產業聚集」與「創新」成了政策重點。 結論: 1.振興地方產業的元素是「重視以知識創造為目標的網絡」、「網絡多樣化代表柔軟的轉換可能性」、「統合與調整的多元化勝過無秩序的多元化」、「人才重於硬體」、「總體戰勝過單打獨鬥」、「地方品牌」、「開拓自有的通路系統,貫通開發、生產、流通一體化」。 2.建議兩點待研究課題:(1)從心理環境研究「如何養成民間的活力,取代官方為振興地方經濟的主體?」;(2)分析「地方產業的產業聚集之間,相互的連結為何?」,以加速創新型產業聚集的內外網絡建構。


From the early 1990' s, the deindustrialization of Japanese local industry is becoming more serious. “The overwhelming majority of local industry is small and medium-sized enterprises. When not too many resources are being making use of, how shuould the Japanese local industry be adapted to globalizing economic activity?” Under this consciousness of the problem, the author looks back on the history of Japanese local industry, trying to find out when Japanese local industry faced threats, how it has conformed to the tendency. In this way, it is possible to explain why the local industry develops continuously. This research relies mainly on literature review. Through “2005 The survey of the profile of local industry(=2005年產地概況調查)” that Small and Medium Enterprise Agency conducted, the status of Japanese local industry is explored. Furthermore, by the application of statistical data from “1975-2000 Industrial Census(=工業統計調查)”, the research is aimed at investigating the creation of the innovative agglomeration of the metallic goods manufacturing that was in Sanjo City(=三条市) and Tsubame city(=燕市) in Niigata Prefecture(=新潟縣). Discussion: 1. The agglomeration in a high-cost region is supposed to transform into innovative agglomeration. “Flexible specialization”, “social capital” and “local milieu” are its important concept. 2. From 1980’s, Japanese government gradually regards small and medium-sized enterprises as the standard-bearers who revitalize local economy. However, the principal characteristic of Japanese local industry is “the agglomeration of local industry has repeatedly engaged in low-added-valued mass production, which manufactures homogenous, ordinary consumer goods”. In addition, the other defects simultaneously are unfavorable to competition. Therefore, “agglomeration” and “innovation” both becomes the center of policy after 2000. Conclusions: 1. The elements that revitalize the local industry can be concluded as by “Pay attention to the network for knowledge creation”, “The network diversification represents the possibility of soft conversion”, “Pluralism which is integrated and adjusted is better than the one that is in disorder”, “Talents are more important than the hardware”, “To unite betters to struggle alone”, “Regional brand”, “To exploit private sales channels and to build up a turnkey system of R&D, production, marketing. 2. The study has yielded the following two suggestions: (1) From the viewpoint of milieu, research on the topic of “how is it possible to foster the private-sector vitality to replace the government authorities’ role in the process of invigorating local economy”. (2) Analyze “the links between the agglomerations of local industry” in order to accelerate the construction of innovative agglomeration’s inner and outer networks.


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林心緻(2010)。日本地方產業品牌識別標誌之研究 —以食品產業為例〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201000741
