  • 學位論文


Cultural Competency of Social Workers in Taiwan-a Comparison Study of Social Workers and Senior Students in Department of Social Work in Taichung

指導教授 : 汪淑娟


全球化的到來,導致全球人口開始更頻繁的流動,台灣也無法倖免,跟隨著世界結構的轉變與全球化之下的人口流動,漸而形成多元文化的社會。社會工作者在面臨快速台灣社會變遷中,應有多元文化的知識、能力及行動力,置身在此一多元文化社會,更應培養及發展多元文化能力來回應需求,因此本研究主要目的: 1. 在職社工員的多元文化能力是否優於社工系大學生,亦或是沒有能力落差。 2. 社會工作系大學生透過社會工作教育課程、社團與志願服務活動是否能夠精進其多元文化能力。 3. 踏入職場的社工員透過工作資歷、閱歷是否可以精進其多元文化能力。 本研究透過問卷調查的方式,進行在職社工員與社工系大學生其文化能力概況之瞭解,並進而探討影響兩者多元文化能力的影響因素。研究結果發現(一)在職社工員的多元文化能力優於社工系大學生,技巧能力差距最大;(二)透過學校教育課程、社團經驗與服務活動等能夠提升多元文化能力;(三)工作經驗與多元文化能力沒有因果關係,其所呈現的顯著相關是社會志願服務變項影響所致。 根據研究結果提出了針對在職社工員與社工系大學生各別的建議,以及對於社會工作與多元文化能力的反思,並希望透過深入了解與探討,未來針對在職社工員與社工系大學生如何提升多元文化能力提出一些具體建議。


Because of the rapid development of the globalization, there are frequent floating population in the whole world, for this reason, Taiwan came into being multicultural. The social workers must to have knowledge, ability, activity of the multi-culture and develop multicultural ability when they face to the fast changing Taiwan. Therefore, the main objectives of the research are below: 1. Whether the multicultural ability of employed social worker is better than the department of social worker students or not different. 2. Whether the department of social work students will improve the ability of multicultural by learning the program to form social work education and voluntary service. 3. Whether the social worker will be promoted the ability of multicultural by getting a job. We would like to use questionnaire to carry out the investigation of employed social workers and department of social work students to know about the general situation of their cultural ability; and further, to confer the influence on cultural ability for an object of study both. The research result shows that, first, employed social workers are better than department of social work students on multicultural ability, especially different from skill ability. Second, both the employed social workers and department of social work students will improve cultural ability by learning the program about social work education and voluntary service. At last, the work experience doesn’t influence the cultural ability but voluntary service. According to the research result, we have some advice to employed social workers and department of social work students and introspection about the social work with multicultural ability, we hope we can have more specific advice about employed social workers and department of social work students how to improve the multicultural ability in the future.


