  • 學位論文


Parental and Child Health (6 Months Old):Results of the Pilot Study of TBCS

指導教授 : 李孟智


一、背景與目的 研究顯示;母親的生物因素、人口學特性及懷孕史,可影響出生嬰兒的健康。除了母親的上述因素外,母親的健康態度、求醫行為、冒險行為、養育態度、嬰兒父親之個人特性和養育態度、照護者的支持和養育態度、是否餵食母乳、家庭環境、生活型態以及社福政策與健康資源等因素,也都會影響所生育子女的身心健康狀況,乃至於子女的人格特質與未來學習成就的表現。 本組於此先驅計畫擬探討之問題包括:母親人口學特性與嬰兒健康之關係,母親的健康行為與嬰兒出生指標和健康指標之關係,父親的人口學特性和健康行為與嬰兒出生指標和健康指標之關係,以及照顧行為與嬰兒健康指標之關係。 二、方法 本年度之小規模先驅計畫以2003年11、12月出生之嬰兒為抽樣母體。為使抽出之樣本仍能代表全台灣地區,故自85個樣本鄉鎮市區以系統抽樣方法隨機抽選出三分之一(共29個)鄉鎮市區進行先驅計畫,合計樣本數共2,048人。田野問卷調查由國民健康局人口調查中心受過訓練之訪員進行家戶面訪。 三、結果 先驅研究調查共計訪問1783名個案,完訪率為87.06%,無法完成訪問原因絕大多數仍為個案拒訪;嬰兒低出生體重與母親懷孕史包括:人工受孕、有妊娠高血壓、有安胎經驗、是否剖腹產有關。母親懷孕史之中,與嬰兒早產狀況有顯著相關者包括:人工受孕、孕期有住院經驗、有安胎經驗、剖腹產。本研究以母親之吸菸、飲酒及運動作為健康相關生活方式的指標,嬰兒早產僅與母親孕期運動習慣有關,即孕期有運動者早產之比例較低。嬰兒低出生體重則分別與母親懷孕前之吸菸行為及孕期的運動習慣有關。此外,母親為原住民和家庭收入低者則嬰兒住院數較多。 有關父親與嬰兒健康方面:父親人口學特性和健康行為與六個月大嬰兒出生指標無關。另父親低教育程度則較少接受疫苗注射。另外主要照顧者是誰暫與六個月大嬰兒健康無關。 四、結論 母親懷孕史中包括受孕方式(人工受孕/自然懷孕)、產檢次數及孕期體重增加情形,和生產方式(剖腹產/自然生產)與低出生體重及早產皆有關係。而母親之健康行為與出生指標相關者發現母親是否有做孕期的運動與低出生體重或早產均有相關。以上有助於未來高危險群之篩檢和防治工作。


Objective The purpose of the pilot study for 6-month-old babies of TBCS is to establish the relationship of parental variables and child health. Methods 2048 infants born in November and December, 2003 were sampled through a randomized systematic sampling. A questionnaire was designed to obtain parental variables and child health through interviewing with care providers of infants during April and June, 2005. Results 1783 care providers of infants completed the questionnaire with a response rate of 87.06%. The major reason for non-response was refusal. Pregnant variables related to low birth weight delivery included receiving assisted reproductive technology, pregnancy- induced hypertension, ever been admitted for treatment of threaten abortion during pregnancy and receiving cesarean section. Similarly, pregnant variables related to pre-term labor included receiving assisted reproductive technology, ever been admitted for treatments of threaten abortion or other problems during pregnancy and cesarean section. In addition, pre-term labor was also associated to lack of adequate exercise during pregnancy. While low birth weight delivery was associated with both maternal smoking before pregnant and lack of adequate exercise during pregnancy. Conclusions Babies with mother receiving assisted reproductive technology, having pregnancy- induced hypertension, ever been admitted for treatment of threaten abortion during pregnancy, having inadequate exercise or ever smoking before pregnancy are at risk to be pre-term or low birth weight delivery which should be particularly cared accordingly.


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