  • 學位論文


The Effects of Assistance of food Hygiene counseling and Sampling inspect on Improving Ice-drinking industry in Taichung City.

指導教授 : 賴坤明


本研究與臺中市冰果飲品商業同業公會(下稱「中市冰果公會」)合作,透過問卷調查瞭解衛生講習對於食品作業人員的影響,並依據「食品良好衛生規範準則(The Regulations on Good Hygiene Practice for Food, GHP)」對中市冰果公會10家會員業者進行食品衛生安全輔導。以符合準則內容,建立研究對象良好的衛生自主管理模式,並抽樣成品與原料進行檢驗。依據衛生福利部食品藥物管理署(Food and Drug Administration, TFDA)公告之食品衛生標準,探討飲冰品產業在實施衛生自主管理時常見之缺失,與執行衛生自主管理後對於成品及原料衛生標準符合性之研究。 研究結果顯示,願意自主報名並參加衛生講習的業者,在食品衛生安全基本觀念上皆有一定程度的認知,此從衛生講習前測/後測問卷成績平均皆高達90分以上可得知。在「食品業者之廠區及環境良好衛生管理基準GHP(附表一)」、「食品業者良好衛生管理基準GHP(附表二)」與「餐飲業者良好衛生規範專業規定」三大構面中,經輔導後,三大構面缺失項目皆有顯著減少(p<0.05)。抽驗研究對象成品與原料計16件,輔導前抽驗不合格樣品共9件(56.25%),經實地輔導並針對輔導後仍不合格的項目進行個案探討後,已全數合格。 經由抽樣檢驗搭配食品衛生輔導發現,在設備器具保養與標準作業流程這兩個項目中,相關缺失並非經由現場輔導就能全部獲得改善。因為在輔導時僅能以當下情境作判定,若是在當時未發生,或是不易由目測發覺的危害因子即無法判定。因此在現場輔導過程中未見的缺失,並不能直接判定缺失不存在。本研究同時確認,適當運用抽樣檢驗可以補強現場輔導之不足。


This study investigated the impact of the sanitation workshop on food workers through a questionnaire survey by cooperated with “Ice-drink Business Association of Taichung"(described as IDBAT in following), and 10 members of IDBAT were counseled on food hygiene and safety by based on “The Regulations on Good Hygiene Practice for Food, GHP” to meet the content of the GHP, establish a good hygiene self-management model for the research object, and sample finished products and raw materials for inspection. According to the food hygiene standards announced by "Food and Drug Administration, TFDA", studied the common defects in the implementation of self-management in the ice-drink industry and the conformity of hygiene standards for finished products and raw materials after the implementation of self-management of hygiene. The results of the study showed that those who were willing to voluntarily enroll in and participate in the sanitation workshop had a certain level of awareness in the basic concepts of food hygiene and safety because of the average scores of pre-test/post-test questionnaires from sanitation workshop being more than 90 points. The three major aspects which were the "factories and environments of food industry in GHP", "the Good Hygiene Practice of food industry in GHP", and “Special Regulations in GHP of repast” were significantly improved (p<0.05) after counseling. The 16 items of finished product and raw materials from research object were sampled for inspection before counseling, and the unqualified samples were 9 items (56.25%). Every research objects were fully qualified after counseling and case study which sample was unqualified after first counseling. Through the sampling inspect and food hygiene guidance, it is found that in the two items of equipment and appliance maintenance and standard operating procedures, the relevant lack cannot be improved through on-site counseling. Because at the moment can only be judged in the context for counseling, if not occurred at the time, or that is not easily determined by visual inspection found that the harm factor. Therefore, the lack of missing in the course of on-site counseling does not directly determine that the absence does not exist. The study also confirmed that the proper use of sampling tests can reinforce the insufficiency of on-site counseling.


(一) 法規、公告方法與標準
「食品良好衛生規範準則」Q&A問答集。(民103年11月21日) 。
公司法(民104年07月01日) 。
食品業者專門職業或技術證照人員設置及管理辦法。(民107年05月01日) 。
