  • 學位論文


Design and Implementation of Advanced Monitoring Circuit Board

指導教授 : 黃士嘉


本研究為實作型的論文,主要是以FPGA系統作為架構,電路設計上分為兩個部分,以開發視頻處理電路作為主要核心。它是透過液晶電視控制器來完成類比及數位訊號轉換及影像上的縮小放大等功能,支援的輸入類比訊號端子有VGA、S-Video、CVBS及 YPbPr 四款,且另外還支援數位訊號端子DVI。此外輸出後的解析度可選擇1024 x 768或者1280 x 1024,另外有整合亮度、對比及色彩飽和度等功能。 第二部分為監控相關電路,主要是利用傾斜計、壓力計及加速度計等相關感測儀器,來量測監控土木建築物等使用情形。之後將量測到的數據,傳送至本研究中的電路板,再透過本電路板中的RS-232或RJ45介面連接至電腦,可讓操作員作即時偵測。也可透過CF card儲存Raw Data,進行長時間的監測。另外支援紅外線的收發器,作為待測物之間的同步觸發。還整合了GPS Receiver Module,主要是用來與測試機器內的RTC作時間同步。




Mainly in the research of the FPGA system-based, circuit design is divided into two parts. The development of video processing circuit is as the main core. This first plan named after “Video Processing Circuit Board” makes the analog, the digital signal conversion, and the image to be zoomed in or out by a LCD TV controller, such as the input analog signal interface(VGA, S-Video, CVBS, YPbPr), and the digital signal interface DVI. In addition, “1024 x 768” or “1280 x 1024” as the output resolution, and the functions of the integrated brightness, contrast, and color saturation could be selected. The second part, Monitor circuit primarily is made use of the sensors(Tiltmeter, Manometer, and Accelerometer) to measure and monitor the usage status of civil engineering buildings. After the measured-data is transmitted to the circuit board, and connected into the computer through the RS-232 or RJ45 interface, the operator could detect in time. Besides, he could make a long period of monitoring according to the raw-data stored into CF card. In addition, the infrared transceiver supported not only as as a trigger synchronization between the analyte but also makes a GPS Receiver Module incorporated. It is primarily used to synchronize with the time of the RTC in the test machine.


FPGA VGA S-Video Sensor RS-232


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