  • 學位論文


A Study on Continuous Management for LPG Containers

指導教授 : 張寬勇


液化石油氣(Liquefied Petroleum Gas﹐LPG)為我國重要民生能源之一,主要供應於家庭及營業場所使用,由於液化石油氣採取容器裝填方式,具有高移動性,且使用範圍廣泛之特性,倘無有效之安全管理制度將導致逾期容器(俗稱逾期鋼瓶)流竄市面,造成社會安全的一大隱憂。現行流通於市面上之液化石油氣容器長期以來皆無法做有效之統計與追蹤,且容器所有權不一,分銷商間彼此為爭搶市面上瓶齡較輕之容器,容易造成彼此間之衝突。此外,消防人員、檢驗場員工及分裝場員工在查核、檢驗或灌裝時,均需逐瓶核對,不儘耗時而且恐有誤判情形發生,若情節嚴重,不儘會影響消費者之權益,而且尚有導致公安事件發生之虞。 本研究除蒐集國內、外有關液化石油氣管理之相關內容,綜合研擬從分銷商容器申報制度(自有容器制度)及運用無線射頻識別(Radio Frequency Identification, RFID)等主要作為進行容器之有效管理,以節省人力查核與作業時間,並可避免違規使用逾期容器之情事發生,以確實做好防災之工作。 本研究推導出液化石油氣容器追蹤管理機制,大致可分為三大階段,第一階段為資料蒐集與探討;第二階段為問題陳述與分析;第三段階為容器申報制度及無線射頻識別之規劃與設計。研究發現液化石油氣容器為有效管理必需容器申報制度及無線射頻識別相輔相成,及政府機關與液化石油氣各層次業者確實配合應執行事項,方能達成最佳管理效果,以落實防災之目的。


LPG is one of the important sources for living in Taiwan. Currently, LPG is mainly supplied to domestic and commercial applications. Since LPG is portable and could be used in a wide range, if the safety of management does not work properly and thus leads to the general use of the overdue steel containers in our society, it might cause serious damage to our life in the future. It has been a problem to manage effectively on the total number of the LPG steel containers. The ownership of those steel containers is not clear so that the conflicts among the profession arise after competing with one another for the newly made steel containers. Also, when the firefighters and the supervisors related with the gas business do the regular checking, they have to check every single steel container. In this sense, time-consuming is large and human errors upon checking might also occur. Once one big mistake arises, it will definitely do a great harm to the public. To do the research, the author has collected a large number of internal and international related articles about LPG. before making an assumption of combining the proper application system of steel containers with RFID in order to achieve a firm and complete management. This paper will infer the strategy of the continuous management of LPG with three steps. The first one is to do some reviewing on LPG and its related issues. Then, the problems will be presented and discussed. The third step will focus on the application system of LPG as well as the design and the operation of RFID. Finally, the result of the paper will show that the most effective way for the safety of management requires both the complete application system of LPG containers and the employment of RFID, next to the cooperation of our government and the LPG related dealers.


[19]Roy Want.,”RFID:A Key to Everything Automating”
[1]內政部消防署,「92年度公共安全巡迴講習講義」,P254-255, 2003。


