  • 學位論文


A Study on the Roles and Duties Assumed by Full-time Professional Engineers

指導教授 : 吳傳威


依照營造業法相關規定,甲、乙、丙三級綜合營造業皆需設置一人以上之專任工程人員。專任工程人員在營造業中所扮演的角色,依規定為擔任其所承攬工程之施工技術指導及施工安全之人員。事實上,因為專任工程人員在法規制度面、自身專業能力、聘雇廠商的心態,三者間有著相互關聯性並各有其導致工程品質無法提升之因素。 本研究蒐集美國、日本、中國大陸相關營造法規,以彙整專任工程人員職掌及養成教育等事宜。再者,以訪談方式,探詢目前有關營造業專任工程人員設置與管理之現況問題。彙整上述項目採集的結果,研議適當的作法。依據調查結果分析顯示,倘若能取消營造廠成立時需設置專任工程人員之制度,使專任工程人員與營造廠之間不再有絕對的聘僱關係,如此一來,專任工程人員所肩負之職責能更完整的落實在工程專案中。 因此,明訂專任工程人員考評機制,確保專技人員都能無縫接軌的擔任專任工程人員一職。最後,若能由業主直接聘雇專技人員勝任專任工程人員一職時,不但可以改進以往由營造業者聘雇的方式所產生不利的因素,又能提高專任工程人員的薪資及工程地位,使該員從事此職時能心無旁鶩貢獻一已心力為提升整體營建工程品質努力。


In accordance with the Construction Industry Act (“the Act”), integrated business units of category A, B and C are all required to deploy at least one full-time engineering staff (“FTES”). The role of FTES in the construction industry, according to the Act, is to serve as technical director and safety supervisor for the construction project undertaken. In practice, laws and regulations, FTES’s professional competence and mindset toward vendor-hiring determines the construction quality. These three factors are interrelated, and each has its share in the quality gap. This study collected the construction regulations in the United States, Japan, and China, to compile insights for FTES duties, education and cultivation. In addition, interviews were conducted to inquiry the status and problems in FTES deployment and management at the current. Based on these, appropriate solutions will be inferred and proposed. The survey and analysis showed, if the employment of FTES could be non-compulsory for a construction company, releasing FTES from fix employment with single construction company, a FTES could fulfill his duties in a construction project more thoroughly. Furthermore, the establishment of full-time engineer certification system would highlight the professionalism of FTES. Engineers or architects could overtake any construction project seamlessly. Finally, if FTES can be direct employed in construction industry, to concentrate the engineer’s attention on construction engineering project, thus, not only can improve unfavorable factors, but also get better salary and higher position. There for, whether it is the training and cultivation of FTES or the scope of supervision would be better defined, enhancing the overall quality of construction projects.


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