  • 學位論文


An Empirical Study on the Multi-national Operation Model Planning for Electric and Machinery Construction

指導教授 : 陳銘崑


台灣在加入世界貿易組織(WTO)後,會員間市場之相互開放,對相關產業固然帶來了衝擊,但亦提供業者更多的機會。隨著產業發展全球化的趨勢,國內業者如何順應大環境之脈動,調適企業體質、厚植競爭優勢、掌握新契機,確實是業者必須重視之議題。而全球跨國營運已是不可阻擋的趨勢,企業必須在具有利基的市場搜尋與建立體系。因此,企業經常將自己本身的資源分散在各地,力求創造企業效益最大化。但是,資源整合的手法與模式許多,如何選擇最有效的方法,常常是企業所苦惱的課題。 因此本研究透過機電工程產業之分析,由機電工程業之營運策略、全球營運模式及跨國營運總部之策略來探討機電工程業之跨國營運策略及模式,並以企業電子化分析程序的四個步驟由上而下分析。本研究透過與個案公司經營高層之深度訪談,探討個案公司從一策略層級由上而下分析跨國營運之策略,並以此策略進行商業模式之規劃,再建立該商業模式下之流程運作及IT 互動之模式。以供相關企業未來發展跨國營運之參考。


There are many impacts for lot industries after Taiwan joins the WTO as one of members. Being the member, not only caused lots of side effects but also increased a lot opportunities for economic development. Regarding this tendency changed that is an important issue for all the businesses in Taiwan, domestic industries have to realize the differences and adjust their strategies for taking the advantages and chances. Companies should re-search the niche market and re-build up the supplier chains; therefore, integration of resources is very important for globalization for all the companies. First of all, this study would like to provide the multi-national operation model for Electric and Machinery Construction by the analysis of Electric and Machinery Construction market, operational strategies and global operation of business headquarter. Second, the approach of this study is by case study and chooses one company that has large scale in market share and enough good standing for the Electric and Machinery Construction. Lastly, the procedure of this case study went through the business computerizing four steps which are strategies analysis, business models analysis, procedures analysis and IT model analysis.


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