  • 學位論文


Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) Applied To Risk Analysis of Metro Construction

指導教授 : 張寬勇


捷運系統工程係屬都會區交通工程,一旦發生重大意外災害,恐將危及鄰近居民或商業大樓,對於廠商及主辦工程單位的損失更是難以估計,以1994年台北捷運新店線為例,捷運工程造成林口社區塌陷,超過150戶鄰近民宅受損;以2004年高雄捷運紅線為例,R10出口連續壁包泥管湧,路基掏空造成路面塌陷。 根據歷史資料顯示捷運工程於施工期間曾發生過的意外災害,分類有墜落、感電、物體崩塌倒塌、火災、與有害物質接觸、被撞被捲被夾、其他……等。本研究將針對捷運工程於施工期間發生之各種災害案例,並透過腦力激盪及專家學者訪談方式,分析歸類出捷運軌道工程施工期間之重要致災因子,進而以問券方式經專家學者填寫,再輔以層級分析法﹝AHP﹞建立出施工期間風險因子,並進行探討與分析。期研究成果能提供工程主辦單位與廠商參考,並有效的減輕或避免工地意外事故的發生。


施工災害 層級分析法 捷運


Once an accident occurs on the metro transportation system, nearby neighbors or business buildings are faced with great danger. In addition, the loss for the manufacturers and engineering organization units is hard to estimate. For example, in 1994, the Xindien metro line, caused a collapse in the Linkou area because of the construction where over 150 families and citizens had their houses damaged. Also in 2004, Kaohsiung’s red metro line, R10 exit, diaphragm wall piping was empty and caused nearby roads to collapse. According to history, the accidents that have occurred while the metro line is being built have been workers falling, electrified, rammed, reeled, and clamped, objects collapsing, fire disaster, hazardous substances contact, and more. Professional analysis of the metro construction accident cases have figured out why the metro construction accidents through interviews, questionnaires filled out by experts, and additional analysis (AHP). Hopefully, through the professional’s discussion and analysis, they can provide the engineering organization unit and manufacturers with answers and effectively decrease or eliminate the accidents from happening.


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