  • 學位論文


A Study of Applying Interactive Multimedia to Improve the Performance of Learning Alphabets for English Lower- Achievement Students in Elementary School

指導教授 : 李來春


現今的學習環境中缺乏使用英語的情境,因此必須藉助各種視聽媒體作為輔助語言學習的工具,以彌補學習者接觸語言環境之不足;因此,本研究將互動多媒體應用於英文補救教學上是否會比傳統補救教學方法好,讓老師們在課堂之餘能以活潑、多元化的方式來教導並加強低學習成就學童學習,增加學童學習態度進而輔助加強其學習成效便是本研究的動機。 本研究旨在探討互動多媒體對國小一年級學生的英語字母補救教學之學習成效與其字彙之辨識成效,研究對象為新北市某國小之十六個班級其英語成績不及格者,經由前測篩選出其字母辨識能力不及格者二十人,進行為期四週之補救教學實驗,實驗組十人接受互動多媒體的實驗教學,控制組十人則採一般紙本書寫練習教學。實驗前,兩班皆接受「英語學習成就測驗」之前測,經實驗後,兩班再施予後測,並以成對樣本t檢定與獨立樣本t檢定進行統計分析。 研究結果發現,在英語字母與對應之單字學習成效測驗中,分項能力之總分達到顯著的效果,並在分項能力中,「字母聽辨」、「字彙聽辦」、「字母書寫」等皆達顯著差異,且觀察實驗過程中,利用互動多媒體技術來輔助兒童的英語字母學習,兒童在操作學習中,有積極的學習態度表現。


The learning environment in Taiwan lacks occasions to use English; therefore, a multimedia approach to learning English can aid language learning. The aim of the study is to explore the effects of applying the interactive media as opposed to the traditional remedial instruction. The motivation for the research is to have teachers use interactive media as a diversified and interactive teaching way to teach and motivate lower-achievement students and improve their attitude toward learning English. This study aims at examining the effects of applying the interactive multimedia to be the remedial teaching material on lower-achievement pupils about their English alphabet achievement and vocabulary recognition. The subjects of the study at an elementary school were the first EFL (English as a Foreign Language) graders with English underachievement and had difficulty on letter recognition. During four-week remedial instruction, the experimental group received the interactive multimedia, while the control group received writing practice. English learning achievement tests were conducted to measure the subjects’ English ability before and after the experiment. Data were collected and then analyzed with the t test. The major findings of the research are: 1. For English learning achievement test, the experimental group had statistically significant results on the test. 2. The experimental group has statistically significant results on the tests of letter recognition, letter dictation and on the vocabulary recognition test. 3. During the experiment, the experimental group exhibited a more positive feedback about applying interactive multimedia.


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