  • 學位論文


Control of The Double-Sided Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor

指導教授 : 黃明熙


本文主要研製用於一只雙邊型之軸向磁通永磁同步馬達驅動系統,並分析雙邊型之軸向磁通永磁同步馬達在線圈串聯和並聯下的驅動差異。首先對於雙邊型之軸向磁通永磁同步馬達以串聯形式接線並提高變頻器的直流電電壓的方式進行實驗,接著把雙邊型之軸向磁通永磁同步馬達改為並聯形式並使用兩組變頻器的方式驅動,最後分析串聯和並聯的差異性。 使用高解析度編碼器雖可大幅提高馬達於低轉速控制性能,但相對亦會提高系統之成本,因此本文提出一個使用低解析度編碼器之控制方法可有效提高低速調控特性,該法是調整定子旋轉磁場大小及超前轉子磁場角度之雙自由度方式來達到提高低轉速之控制精度。 最後,以數位訊號器(TMS320F28035)來控制核心,建構馬達驅動器之平台並以1.16kW/2550rpm之雙邊型軸向磁通永磁同步馬達作為載具,驗證本文所提的控制策略之有效性。


The main purpose of this thesis is to design the motor drive of double-sided AFPM, and analyze the differences of double-sided AFPM motor in series and parallel coil. Through increase DC-link voltage to control the series coil of double-sided AFPM motor. For the parallel coil mode, two sets of drive are used to the control. Finally, analyze the differences between series mode and parallel mode. Using high-resolution encoder can significantly improve the performance of AFPM motor’s control at low speed but the system cost will be increased. So, in this thesis presents a control method for low-resolution encoders can improve the performance effectively of AFPM motor in low speed. Through adjusting the size of the stator rotating magnetic field and the lead angle of the rotor flux to improve the control precision in low speed. The motor drive consist a dsp TMSF320F28035-based control stage and power stage, and some experimental results tested on a 1.1kW/2550rpm AFPM motor is carried out to verify the effectiveness of the proposed system.


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