  • 學位論文


The Construction Protest Management Study based on NIMBY-A Case Study for Sewage Sewer in Northern Taiwan

指導教授 : 林利國


公共建設中常見「抗爭」之情形發生,而以社會學角度,此種引起周邊民眾反對與抗爭之現象稱之為「鄰避現象」。雖然已有相關文獻對鄰避現象加以研究,但仍缺乏以工程實務面為基礎整合鄰避主要因素並將鄰避現象量化之研究。本研究將以污水下水道工程為例,找出影響鄰避的重要因素並嘗試將鄰避現象對於抗爭程度之影響量化。以污水下水道工程為研究案例,主因在於污水處理設施在文獻中被歸屬於居民接受意願低且具高度鄰避效果之公共設施。 本研究以專家訪談及問卷為主,輔以一般民眾問卷調查,整合專家經驗及一般民眾意見,透過模糊語意作為問卷尺度設計之架構,並以模糊德爾菲法將問卷結果量化,且更進一步探究影響鄰避現象之主要因素及防範對策,建立自主檢查表。為探究心理因素與抗爭行為之關係,乃以模糊語意設計問卷,進行抗爭行為指數調查,分析一般人處於不確定情境下對於噪音、空氣及交通三種公害之鄰避曲線,並利用模糊推論建構出三種公害在不同程度情況下之鄰避抗爭指數模糊規則庫。 本研究所建立之防止鄰避自主檢查表供污水下水道工程於施工前規劃階段及施工階段檢驗查核之用,並提供防止鄰避措施作為因應之對策。於工程進行中隨時以鄰避抗爭規則庫所建立之鄰避抗爭指數進行管控,以期降低鄰避事件之發生。


Conflicts often occur with public facility construction. In sociology terms, the factor caused opposite opinions and flights form neighborhood people called “NIMBY” phenomenon. Though NIMBY had been mentioned and discussed in lots of related researchs, there is no particular one to focus on making NIMBY phenomenon into Quantization based on construction job-site interface. In this study, the Wastewater Sewer System construction project has been taken as a real case to find main factors caused NIMBY phenomenon and then makes the affiliated NIMBY phenomenon into quantization. The Wastewater Sewer System construction project is taken as the demonstrated case due to wastewater Sewer System facility belonging to low accepting and high NIMBY within all public construction projects. In this study, the questionnaire and consulting survey are made to investigate the professional opinions of experts of Sewer System facility and NIMBY responses of citizens. The questionnaire is designed by Fuzzy Linguistic scale and quantized by Fuzzy Delphi method. Then mainly factors caused NIMBY phenomenon and corresponding improvement measures are found by the result of questionnaires and anti-NIMBY self check list can be established and used in daily process at construction site. This research develops NIMBY curves to estimate the NIMBY affection of citizens under the unsure circumstance of noise, air and water pollution by Sewer System construction. Also and highly importantly, the fuzzy rule base can be discovered by predicting NIMBY affection under the various violence of noise, air and water pollution in Fuzzy Inference method. The anti- NIMBY self check list for Sewer System construction developed by this study can be used for examining the factor caused NIMBY and finding corresponding improvement measures in pre-construction period and construction period for management workers at construction field. During construction period, the NIMBY-Conflict Index system computed form fuzzy rule based on NIMBY affection can be executed persistently to control NIMBY affection to avoid NIMBY-Conflict event happening.


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