  • 學位論文


Feasibility Study of Sediment Migration Based on UAV DTMs-Example of Baolai

指導教授 : 張國楨


台灣島是由歐亞板塊與菲律賓海板塊碰撞形成,屬於環太平洋地震帶一部分,由於板塊活動活躍,引發平繁地震及地表位移造成土石鬆動,加上近年來極端氣候得影響,造成台灣降雨情況產生變化。根據氣象局雨量統計資料顯示,台灣降雨情況集中於梅雨季及夏季,而每年平均約有3~4個颱風侵襲台灣帶來豪雨,引致之崩塌土砂隨著雨水流入河道,使得河床淤積及河岸沖刷,造成嚴重的坡地災害。 本研究以寶來地區為例,利用無人飛行載具(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle,UAV)拍攝之荖濃溪沿岸影像,及應用即時動態GPS測量(Real Time Kinematic,RTK)與e-GPS量測地面控制點,後利用PIX4UAV快速建置高精度數值地形模型(Digital Terrain Model,DTM),由所建置之不同時期數值地形模型,利用精度控管先行評估數值地表模型(Digital Surface Model,DSM)之無變動區域剖面線高程的一致性以評估模型精確,再透過所建置數值地形模型來得知區域內河道土砂運移之情況。


Taiwan results from ongoing oblique collision between the Philippine Sea Plate, and the Eurasian Plate. And is part of the Pacific Rim Seismic zone,Because of active plate movement triggered earthquakes and surface displacement resulted debris loose,besides that, the impact of extreme weather in recent year causing Taiwan rainfall changed,According to the Taiwan Central Weather Bureau Rainfall Statistics data, the rainfall season concentrated in the monsoon rains and summer ,every year average about 3 or 4 typhoon brought heavy rains invasion of Taiwan, and this made many landslides and debris flew into the river and further brought out accumulation and erosion on river banks of different areas. It caused severe slope disasters within the Laonong River drainage. In this research, taking Baolai as example, we use the UAV to obtain the latest images of the Laonong river, and different measurement Real Time Kinematic(RTK) and e-GPS to set ground control points, Pix4UAV, to build DTM, from different periods DTM, first according to the DTM, the Precision Control Index is used to assess the DSM if there is no change then the elevation of the area is correct. To find out sediment migration situation of river by DTM.


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