  • 學位論文


Investigation of Treasure Hill Artist Village on basis of the viewpoint of Community Activation

指導教授 : 蔡淑瑩


現今社會為了提倡舊建築再生,將都市出現的閒置空間注入藝術,改善公共空間,把閒置空間重新整理活化,設置藝術村供都市中的人民使用參觀,提供藝術創作者有更多空間能展示自己的創作,寶藏巖國際藝術村是由政府推動行動規劃,將藝術行動者與原居民結合當地文化創作經營,期望藝術創作能持續帶動藝術村的活化。 本研究以寶藏巖國際藝術村進行相關文獻回顧與問卷調查,針對寶藏巖國際藝術村內的遊客以126份有效問卷進行分析與研究,並使用SPSS統計軟體進行分析,其研究結果顯示如下: 一、 受訪者高達92.0%同意台北市政府將寶藏巖保存為生態藝術社區,並有61.2%的人認同目前寶藏巖為成功的生態藝術社區。 二、 本文將互動方式可分為教育型、創作型、消費型與生態型進行分析,研究發現教育型互動為受訪者最喜愛的互動方式,如:說明導覽、參觀展覽、參與藝術活動與參觀工作室。 三、 本研究提出11項常設型藝術創作,其中受訪者最喜歡寶藏巖的藝術創作是街頭塗鴉,佔總樣本數14.0%,也是受訪者提出最有互動的藝術創作。 四、 本研究認為好的藝術社區應該有的活動類型,最希望能跟藝術家有互動,佔總樣本數23.9%。 五、 本研究結果得知曾體驗寶藏巖藝術活動更能了解寶藏巖,也可以得知曾體驗藝術活動能加深參觀寶藏巖的意願。 六、 寶藏巖國際藝術村應增加各社群之間的互動、設置更多具有教育性與參與性的藝術創作、增加體驗性的藝術活動與引進更多生態手法,並實行生態藝術社區理念,可以提供未來藝術村之規劃。 透過本研究的成果,期望能作為未來政府對於藝術行動者進駐藝術村之參考,並提供以社群活化發展都市中藝術村空間,使藝術村能發展經營順利。


藝術行動者 藝術村 社群 活化


In order to promote the recovery of the old buildings, at present, people input art works on public land of the community to better, activate and improve the public space. They provide citizens with an art village for citizens to visit. They provide art creators with more space to demonstrate their own works of art. This Treasure Hill Artist Village was put in motion and planned by the government. The art creators and local residents cooperate to create and operate it with the local culture. We anticipate that these works of art will go on leading the activating of the art village. This research is proceeded on the basis of of the Treasure Hill Artist Village document’s and questionnaires of Treasure Hill Artist Village visitors. We retrospected all documents and analyzed and researched 126 questionnaires with SPSS statistics software. The conclusion is as follows : 1. 92% of the visitors agree that Taipei municipal government will keep Treasure Hill Artist Village as an ecological art community. 61% of the visitors believe that Treasure Hill Artist Village is a very successful ecological art community. 2. In this paper, there are four interaction surveys :Education, Creation, consumption and ecology environment. The research finds that the education survey is the favorite interaction way for the visitors, for example, the introduction by the guiders, visiting the exhibition, joining art activities and visiting the workroom. 3. This paper provides 11 art works that are usually set up. The favorite of the visitors is street graffiti that shares 14% of the total samples. It is also the art work of the most active interaction. 4. This research shows 23.9% of the visitors think that the top one of the activities of a good art community is the interacting with the artists. 5. This research gets an information that people who have jointed the activities of Treasure Hill Artist Village will further understand Treasure Hill Artist Village, and they further strengthen their desire to visit Treasure Hill Artist Village. 6. Treasure Hill Artist Village should increase the interaction between community and community, set up many more educational art works to let people participate and increase art activities to let people experience ,use many more ecology methods, carry out the ideal in order to model for the future Art Village. According to the result of this research, we anticipate that it can be the reference of the art creators attending Art Village in future for the government. We also hope to furnish the community with the Art Village spaces by means of community activating in order for the Art Village to develop smoothly.


Art creator Art village Community Activation


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