  • 學位論文


Development of a Novel Strategic Innovation Model for the Bottom of the Pyramid Markets

指導教授 : 胡憲倫


2012年「里約20年永續發展會議」著重在永續發展的問題解決,特別是協助「金字塔底層」(Bottom/Base of the pyramid, BOP)族群消除貧窮的問題。當企業被公認為邁向永續發展過程中的重要推手,可透過其商業模式或開發創新服務,來解決金字塔底層人民日常生活的需求,如此企業不僅可獲取經濟商機,亦可兼顧企業永續發展與善盡企業社會責任。然而對於台灣以高科技產業發展的國內企業來說,如何善加運用並永續BOP族群,將是企業邁向BOP藍海市場極為關鍵的挑戰,因此找出企業永續創新商機模式,將能協助台灣企業開創另一波永續競爭優勢。 本研究藉由廣泛蒐集企業在金字塔底層市場、永續創新(Sustainable Innovation) 及商業模式(Business model)的文獻及案例,分析企業進入金字塔底層市場之策略,建構出「BOP參數架構」與「BOP原則架構」。「BOP參數架構」意指企業進入BOP市場之主要應用策略,包含企業經營、創新、合作與市場等四大面向,四大面向中共有17項BOP參數 ;「BOP原則架構」則是回顧眾多文獻,考量企業在進入BOP市場面臨之不同情形下,涵蓋多面向之執行作法,包含發展、設計、銷售配送、創造需求、尊嚴以及經營管理等六大構面,六大構面中共包含17項BOP原則。再者,並應用創新發明問題解決理論(TRIZ)之矛盾矩陣概念,透過分析蒐集之企業進入BOP市場之大量成功案例的障礙與成功因素,與其「BOP參數架構」與「BOP原則架構」進行配對,提出一套供「企業開發BOP市場之創新策略模式」。最後,藉由國內企業個案研究確立本研究之BOP創新策略模式之適用性,並提出當地社會效益、移除或預防風險、可接近性/方便性、認知、企業定位等五項具體建議供試評企業欲發展BOP市場之參考,在全球化競爭之壓力下,期能幫助企業邁向BOP藍海市場,並創造永續競爭力優勢。


In 2012, “the Road to Rio +20”, presented by the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD), has emphasized that assisting the bottom/base of the pyramid (BOP) to eliminate poverty can help in realizing the goal of Sustainable Development. Although several strategies have been developed based on specific case studies, no study has focused on developing a generic model for enterprises which are interested in entering the BOP markets. This research, by conducting extensive literature review, focuses on the practices and cases of multi-national enterprises in the BOP markets, sustainable innovation, and business models to explore the successful factors and barriers for local enterprises entering the BOP markets. The findings in the literature review are combined with the contradiction matrix concept of the theory of inventive problem solving to present a strategic innovation model for companies entering the BOP markets. Finally, case study of a domestic enterprise was applied to verifiy the applicability of this strategic innovation model. Constructive advices for enterprises that are interested in developing the BOP markets are presented. Under global competition, this study can assist Taiwanese enterprises in entering the BOP markets and creating sustainable competitive advantage.


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