  • 學位論文


Establishment of Information Platform for Pushover Analysis of Building

指導教授 : 宋裕祺


建築資訊模型涵蓋了幾何學、空間關係、地理資訊系統、各種建築元件的性質及數量,並可用來展示建築生命週期,亦包括興建過程及營運過程。利用3D數位化的建築元件表示真實世界中的建築物構件,有別於傳統電腦利用向量型平面構圖來表示物體的設計方法。 在三維虛擬空間中展示資訊為時下最熱門研究之一;加入了空間資訊屬性後,除了更貼切的呈現出真實世界,亦增加了資訊管理的便利性。利用3D的互動性進行動態瀏覽,可讓業主、工程師、營造廠一同檢討合理性,減少資訊傳遞的時間,在未來甚至可透過無線網路之功能指導現地之施工。 本研究之目的為使用Visual C++與OpenGL開發鋼筋混凝土建築物耐震能力評估視窗輔助系統SERCB的視覺化展示與資訊平台Visual_SERCB 2.0,使能夠簡單且快速製作側推動畫,展示各構件在側推分析中之裂縫發展情形,將有助於工程師藉由虛擬實境對於房屋結構的破壞行為更為認識。


SERCB OpenGL 開裂模式 虛擬實境


This thesis aims at developing a framework, VISUAL_SERCB_2.0, to visualize the seismic evaluation result of the reinforced concrete (RC) building using the qualified program SERCB. All the information required for the evaluation including the cross sectional data, the detailed arrangement of reinforcement, the crack propagation and plastic hinge development of all the RC members such as beam, column and wall during different pushover process are able to be displayed graphically. Eventually, the failure process of the RC building can be demonstrated visually in sequence. The Visual C++ language associated with the OpenGL library serves as the core of the framework developed. The system implements document reader object, data split object, data structure object, coordinate conversion object, pushover animation object, data inquire object and model demonstrate object etc. Users can inquire pushover data while looking at pushover animation in various angles. The result obtained gives a direct visualization to the failure progress of the RC buildings and benefits the engineers a better understanding of seismic behavior for the structures. Through this developed framework, the more accurate seismic characteristics of the RC building can be discussed and the optimal seismic retrofitting of those with insufficient seismic capacity can be determined easier.


SERCB Crack OpenGL Virtual Reality


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[32] 鋼筋混凝土建築物耐震能力評估系統SERCB官方網站:
