  • 學位論文


The Study of Consultation on Medications Indications Advisory System Based on Web Ontology Language Technology Focusing on Gastrointestinal Drugs

指導教授 : 劉建財


一般醫療院所在藥袋上列印如藥品名稱及適應症等資訊,而病患者在向藥局諮詢後才清楚其用藥資訊,但對於藥師與民眾而言藥品名稱或症狀的術語艱澀繁瑣,僅由藥袋無法明確清楚獲知藥品、疾病與症狀之間的關聯性,並且處方資訊的提供亦不盡完備,不足以讓藥事人員判讀處方用藥之適當性。雖可透過藥品資訊系統逐筆找尋藥品資訊,但門診的藥事服務量普遍繁重,且仍耗費人力與時間作查詢,本研究運用本體知識庫建置工具將「以病人為導向的藥品適應症諮詢系統-以腸胃科用藥為例」研究中完成的藥品本體論(Medical Ontology)重新建置本體知識庫,以XML技術將處方籤及門診紀錄單整合成電子化文件,並用OWL與JSP技術結合推論引擎(Jess)完成藥品適應症諮詢系統的語意網,改善原藥品本體論無法達到病患者藥品諮詢個人化之目標。


General medical institutions print information, such as the drug name and indications, on medicine bags. Patients must consult pharmacies to clearly understand drug information. However, drug names and the terminology of symptoms are difficult and complicated for pharmacists and the public to understand, and the correlations among drugs, diseases, and symptoms cannot be understood simply from a medicine bag. Additionally, prescriptions often provide incomplete information for pharmaceutical personnel to determine the appropriateness of prescription medications. Although the information of each drug can be found in the drug information system, this approach is impractical because of the high amount of pharmaceutical services in outpatient departments, which makes inquires of this type labor-intensive and time-consuming. In this study, we use ontological knowledge base construction tools to reconstruct an ontological knowledge base founded on the Medical Ontology established in the study entitled “A Patient-Oriented Consultation System for Medication Indications: Focused on Gastrointestinal Drugs.” We integrated prescriptions and medical records in outpatient departments into electronic documents using XML technology and established a semantic web for a drug indication inquiry system by adopting OWL and JSP technologies and integrating Jess (the JAVA Expert System Shell). This enables us to achieve the goal of personalized drug advice and inquiry, which was not possible with the original drug ontology


Medications Indications Semantic Web OWL Jess Protege


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