  • 學位論文


A Study on Determinants of Health-Related Quality of Life Among School Nurses in Public Elementary and Junior High School at Taipei Area

指導教授 : 李碧霞


學校護理人員所追求健康的目標,不再只是免於疾病,更要高品質的生活。本研究旨在了解學校護理人員的健康相關生活品質及其影響因素,為一橫斷式之量性研究設計,以臺灣簡明版世界衛生組織生活品質量表、國際身體活動量表-自填長版問卷,調查大臺北地區學校護理人員,共發出332份問卷,回收有效問卷311份(93.7%),以百分比、平均值、標準差呈現描述性統計;以獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關及複回歸分析進行推論性統計分析。 研究結果發現:一、整體生活品質平均值為48.8分,各範疇以生理健康範疇平均值為66.0分最高,心理範疇平均值為58.1分最低。二、中等費力身體活動時間每天平均約42分鐘;費力身體活動時間每天平均約12分鐘;走路身體活動時間每天平均約46.3分鐘,有13.8%的研究對象未達到足量的身體活動量。三、與整體及四大範疇生活品質得分呈正相關的因素有:年齡、學校護理工作年資、總護理工作年資、執行健康促進的議題數目、身體活動總量、走路身體活動量;罹患慢性疾病數與整體性及生理健康範疇生活品質得分呈負相關;教育程度越高、月收入越高及已婚者的四大範疇生活品質得分越佳。四、總護理工作年資、教育程度、罹患慢性疾病數、執行健康促進議題數目,分別是四大範疇健康相關生活品質的重要預測變項,可解釋約9.1-13.0%的變異量。 主管機關應關注學校護理人員的心理範疇,以提升該族群的健康相關生活品質。


School nurses pursue the goal of not only disease prevention but also quality of life. The purpose of this cross-sectional design study was to investigate the health-related quality of life and its related factors among school nurses at Taipei area. The questionnaire used in the study included the World Health Organization quality of life questionnaire Taiwan brief version (WHOQOL-BREF) and International Physical Activity Questionnaire Taiwan version self-administrated long format (IPAQ). 332 questionnaires were sent out in total. Among the survey returned, 311 were usable questionnaires, indicating the response rate of 93.7%. Data analyses were completed by percentage, mean, standard deviation, independence t test, one way ANOVA, Pearson’s correlation and multiple regression. The major findings of this study were as follows: 1. General total quality of life average was 48.8, the average score of physiological health domain was 66.0, ranking the highest, and the lowest average score of psychological domain was 58.1. 2. Moderate physical activity time was 42 min/day. Vigorous physical activity time was 12 min/day and walking physical activity time was 46.3 min/day. 13.8% of participants failed to meet the IPAQ of WHO recommended of physical activity. 3. There was a significant positive relationship among general total quality of life and four domains: age, nursing experience, working experience in school nursing, the health-promoting on the number of issues, total physical activity, walking physical activity. There was a significant negative relationship among general total quality of life and physical domains: number of suffering chronic. The educational, incomes and marital status resulted in significant differences to quality of life. 4. Nursing experience, education level, the number of suffering chronic diseases, the number of implementing health-promotion program are the important variables that can predict four domains of health-related quality of life in which 9.1-13.0% of variances could be explained. It is recommended that authorities should pay attention to psychological domain of health-related quality of life among school nurses that would be more benefited.




