  • 學位論文


Apply Digital Camera to Optimal Combination of Parameter and Evaluation of Image Quality in PCB Inspection

指導教授 : 江行全


隨著數位化技術、網路及多媒體電腦對圖形處理能力的提昇, CCD被廣泛地被應用各種數位影像處理的領域上。目前有許多機器視覺系統直接採用數位CCD攝影機作為檢測裝置,但主流解析度為35萬像素左右,有著畫質較差與價格偏高的缺點而無法與百萬畫素以上的數位相機相比。 數位相機通常建議在自動模式下拍照,若被攝物為反光物會導致自動模式功能失效,因此使用自動模式擷取影像會有較差的影像品質。以印刷電路板製程來說,若使用自動模式檢測會因裸板表面的銅箔產生反光而使得擷取影像會產生線路辨識不清的問題,例如線寬或線距不易量測、銅箔位置不易找到等,使得檢測分析時遭遇到很多的困難。 本研究目的為應用數位相機取代傳統工業用CCD來進行產品檢測,並探討數位相機在自動模式下對檢測影像的不適性,進而尋求最適影像檢測的最佳參數設定,以提高檢測能力。限制實驗環境為20至60Lux之LED燈,以主觀影像品質、解析度和雜訊度做為評估影像品質的指標,在多品質特性最佳化的情況下建立一套以數位相機為機器視覺檢測系統之方法及PCB之最佳檢測條件。 經由驗證實驗得知,本研究估計的最佳操作條件較自動模式擷取的影像品質佳,可提供業者一套測試方法應用到以數位相機檢測產品及自動模式功能失效之各種領域,作為設計階段的參考依據以提昇數位相機之影像品質,滿足不同使用上的需求。


CCD is used broadly in the field of image processing, due to the graphics processing ability progress in digital technology. A major limitation of CCD cameras is its high cost with a limited resolution (e.g., usually less than 350,000 pixels). While a digital camera usually has resolution of 1 million pixels or more. The digital camera usually suggests taking pictures under auto mode. If the object is reflective, it would engender the auto mode function invalid, therefore image quality will be bad by using the auto mode, such as applying a vision system in a PCB inspection process. The objective of this research is to propose the use of digital camera to replace CCD in PCB inspection applications, and study the unsuitability image inspection of that digital camera under auto mode. More further, find the optimal combination of parameters of a digital camera to increase the ability of inspection. The experiment environment is 20 to 60 Lux of the LED lamp, the main index of evaluation of image quality are perceived image quality, resolution and noise. Finally to establish an inspection system with the determined optimal conditions for the inspection of PCB’s by using digital camera. The experiment results showed that the image captured by the estimation of optimal operation conditions in this research is better than that of using auto mode. The proposed test method can provide a camera uses to determine the best parameters combination when the auto mode is not suitable for application. The results of this research can also provide a digital camera manufacturer for improving the design of the camera.


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