  • 學位論文


Momentarily Heavy Make-up and Field Oppression: A Case Study of the Betel-nut Beauty in Taoyuan County

指導教授 : 潘 美 玲
共同指導教授 : 陳 芬 苓(Fen-Ling Chen)


片刻濃妝與場域壓迫:以桃園縣檳榔西施為例 學生:蘇一智 指導教授:潘美玲 教授 陳芬苓 教授 元 智 大 學 資 訊 社 會 研 究 所 摘 要 「檳榔西施」是台灣一個獨有的地區性特色,源於一種極特殊的消費文化,也導致一般社會大眾多以情色及不法的角度看待之。本研究由場域理論為基礎,探討上班時間片刻濃妝的西施,其在政治、社會、勞動與消費等場域所面臨的壓迫及不平待遇等問題,並引出西施即為弱勢階層的一環且應為其同樣的辛苦勞力付出給予肯定。 本研究採質化研究方法,共針對11位檳榔西施、2位傳統式檳榔攤工作者、2位檳榔攤老闆進行深度訪談。研究結果如下: 一、有關勞動與階層:西施的工作其實並不像外界想像的那樣輕鬆,只要穿得少少的就能坐領高薪,事實上是薪水既不高,而工作也不輕鬆。而只因少數害群之馬和強勢媒體主導,當然也包含不肖業者的壓迫,但結果卻是相同的讓如西施弱勢的低下階層備受歧視。 二、有關片刻濃妝與消費刺激:服裝與打扮將會和業績成正比!就算沒有 被要求穿著清涼養眼的服飾,西施們在打扮和裝飾上還是自己會多花 一些功夫和巧思,因為很明顯的,片刻濃妝不但能夠有助於業績的成 長,也經常讓西施們的自信心得以提升。 三、有關場域壓迫:場域壓迫為本研究所著重的要點,在場域的競爭與壓 迫中,西施們必須選擇以較暴露的穿著來達到業績要求,而相對而來 的卻是社會輿論的不認同和警方的取締。且在所有的場域壓迫當中, 西施們所最難以接受的是親人對於自己工作的不認同。 在本論文後並依據研究結果與討論,針對檳榔西施本身、檳榔業其他相關工作人員、政府制定法源與執法者、社會大眾與研究限制與後續研究等五方面,提出相關建議,最後也期許本研究能讓更多人以更客觀的同理心去看待如同檳榔西施這樣的行業和社會問題。 關鍵詞:片刻濃妝、場域壓迫、檳榔西施


Momentarily Heavy Make-up and Field Oppression: A Case Study of the Betel-nut Beauty in Taoyuan County Student: Yi-Zhi Su Advisor: Dr. Mei-Lin Pan Dr. Fen-Ling Chen Institute of Social Informatics Yuan-Ze University ABSTRACT "Betel-nut beauty" is a unique local characteristics of Taiwan, deriving from an extremely special consuming culture. They provides the public to see them with erotic and illegal points of view. The current study tends to investigate the pressure and unfair pretreatment under which the betel-nut beauties, who wear heavy make-up at work have been. The study intends to tackle this issue from the field theory and to examine the oppression and unfair treatment betel-nut beauties have been experiencing in such fields as political, social, laborious, and consumption-related places. In addition, the study also intend to point out that betel-nut beauties among the minority group in our society shall be recognized and encouraged for their hard work and efforts they had made. This study used qualitative research method with 15 interview cases, including 11 betel-nut beauties, 2 conventional betel-nut booths and 2 betel-nut booth owners. Research results are as follows: 1. Labor and social class: to work as a betel-nut beauty is not as easy as it looks like in which one only needs to put on sexy dresses and receive high salary. In fact, the salary of a betel-nut beauty is not exceptionally high, nor is the work easy and unchallenged. However, due to a few black sheep and the politically-incorrect report by the press, along with the oppressions from business owners, betel-nut beauties have been considered as the minority group with lower social class and are discriminated by others. 2. Momentarily heavy make-up and consumption stimulation: appearance and apparel guarantee higher profits! Even when betel-nut beauties are not required to put on sexy dresses, they often spend more time on purchasing their apparel and accessories, because it is obvious that momentarily heavy make-up will not only help to attract more customers but will also allow betel nut beauties to have more confidence. 3. Field oppression: field oppression is key point of this study, under the field competition and oppression, betel-nut beauties must choose to enhance their business by wearing sexy dresses, which, however, results in the misunderstanding of the public as well as the risk of being banned by the police. Moreover, among different types of field oppressions, betel-nut beauties find it most difficult to deal with the misunderstanding of their own families about their occupation. According to this study, five dimensions with relevant suggestions are provided, namely: betel nut beauties themselves, betel nut business and other relevant workers, law sources set up by the government authorities and law executors, the social public, research limitations as well as the suggested follow-up research. Finally, it is expected that current study will allow more people to perceive betel-nut beauties from different aspects and to recognize the social issues of this occupation. Keywords: momentarily heavy make-up, field oppression, betel-nut beauty




