  • 學位論文


A study of Consumer Purchasing Behavior on Folding Bicycle

指導教授 : 蔣廷芳


近年來,消費者已逐漸開始注意到自行車為一種具有健康、環保與休閒娛樂功能的象徵,再加上其具有方便攜帶的特性深受消費者喜愛因而帶動台灣掀起一股購買摺疊自行車的熱潮,亦使得國內業者陸陸續續開始引進不同品牌進軍新市場。 研究者發現與摺疊自行車為主軸的相關研究文獻非常少,故本研究欲進一步探討消費者對摺疊自行車的購買行為。因此,本研究旨要探討品牌形象、產品屬性、生活型態與摺疊自行車的購買意願間之關係,並根據回收樣本的品牌比例分配情況依序探究GIANT(捷安特)、MERIDA(美利達)、KHS(功學社)等三者間之差異情況。 本研究結果發現,功能性的品牌形象通常被消費者視為是否購買摺疊自行車的優先考量,其次則是經驗性的品牌形象與象徵性的品牌形象。另外,在GIANT(捷安特)與MERIDA(美利達)的品牌形象中,為功能性的品牌形象對其消費者購買意願影響最大;而在KHS(功學社)的品牌形象中,為經驗性的品牌形象對其消費者購買意願影響最大。在產品屬性中,最能對摺疊自行車的購買意願產生顯著影響的分別是:(1)重量及摺疊的產品屬性、(2)價格及服務的產品屬性。而在生活型態中,最能對摺疊自行車的購買意願產生顯著影響的分別是:(1)重視休閒及運動的生活態度、(2)重視興趣及成就感的生活態度。然而,無論是在產品屬性或生活型態方面,GIANT、MERIDA與KHS皆無明顯的差異存在,此進一步說明了消費者並不會因摺疊自行車品牌的不同而改變他們對摺疊自行車產品屬性的重視程度或本身生活型態的改變。


In recent years, bicycles have progressively had people’s attention and become the signs of health, environmental protection, entertainment, and recreation. Especially in the last two years, folding bicycles that are easy to carry have become prevailing in Taiwan and a number of bicycle firms were consequently established.         Moreover, there are few studies about folding bicycles so that this study desires to further understand the considerations to consumers’ purchase intention of folding bicycles. Thus, the purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between brand image, product attributes, lifestyles, and purchase intention of folding bicycles. In addition, this study analyzed and compared the differences of GIANT, MERIDA, and KHS according to the distribution of the samples. The results revealed that consumers usually regard the functional brand image as the top priority and then is experiential brand image and symbolic brand image in turn. In addition, functional brand image represents the most of GIANT and MERIDA’s brand image and experiential brand image stands for the most of KHS’s brand image. The two product attributes of weight & folding and price & service and the two lifestyles of leisure & sports and hobbies & achievements are the best predictors of purchase intention of folding bicycles. However, the three firms are consistent with each other in references to product attributes and lifestyles; it further indicates that consumers won’t change their lifestyles or regards for product attributes of folding bicycles according to different folding bicycle brands.


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English References


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