  • 學位論文


A Preliminary Study on the Motivation and the Life Course of Female Volunteers in two Foundations

指導教授 : 劉阿榮


本研究主要在探討婦女志工動機與生命歷程初探-以兩個基金會為例。主要的研究目的如下:首先探討宗教型非營利組織相關理論及實際應用;接著了解台灣創價學會、福智文教基金會的緣起、沿革、發展與現況;然後藉由文獻分析及深度訪談的方式,了解婦女擔任台灣創價學會、福智文教基金會等宗教團體志工的動機及自我實現歷程;最後比較兩者婦女擔任台灣創價學會、福智文教基金會等宗教團體志工的動機及自我實現歷程,進而提出具體建議,以對兩者宗教型NPO活動發展與研究之參考。 為達上述研究目的,研究者採深度訪談的方式並輔以半結構式的訪談大綱來蒐集本研究所需的資料。透過訪談十六位婦女志工以了解婦女擔任宗教團體志工的動機與生命歷程轉換,再進行研究結果的討論,進而歸納出結果如下:宗教型非營利組織對婦女成長有積極貢獻,而且婦女藉著擔任台灣創價學會與福智文教基金會志工除了提升自我心靈與知識外,也對生命歷程造成正向的改變。 然而婦女擔任宗教型NPO志工亦有負面影響如下:由於個人時間、生理負荷有極限,相對而言會排擠到其他方面的表現;每一種宗教信仰都是正向的,但是投入較深入、信仰時間者,限於本位主義,難免會對其他宗教會有排拒、差別性對待,這也是可以改進的地方;此兩者宗教型NPO雖然都很正派,可是在人事、財務組織方面也需要公開、透明化。 最後,基於上述之研究結果,本研究針對政府、台灣創價學會、福智文教基金會、以及未來相關研究等提出一些具體的建議。


This research aims at looking into the motivation and life course of female volunteers in two foundations. Five mail purposes are covered: First exploreing the theories regarding religious non-profit organizations (NPOs) and their practical applications.Second understanding the origins, evolution, development and current status of Taiwan Soka Gakkai and The Bliss & Wisdom Foundation.Then understanding the motivation and self-realization process of female volunteers in Taiwan Soka Gakkai and The Bliss & Wisdom Foundation through literature review and in-depth interviews.Finally compareing the motivation and life courses of female volunteers in Taiwan Soka Gakkai and The Bliss & Wisdom Foundation and based on analysis of interviews with them, shareing recommendations for improvement to these two religious NPOs’ development and for future researches. To make the purposes of this research accomplished, in-depth interview approach was employed, with semi-structural interview compendium was used to gather necessary data. Sixteen female volunteers were interviewed to understand the motivation of how they became religious organization volunteers and the conversion of their life courses. Based on information gathered in this research, conclusions were made respectively as follows: Religious NPOs casts positive impact on women in terms of their growth in spirits.Female volunteers show improvement in self-spirits and knowledge accruement through participating in Taiwan Soka Gakkai and The Bliss & Wisdom Foundation.Female volunteers devoted to religious NPOs enjoy positive conversions in life courses. Negative effects also are found in female volunteers devoted to religious NPOs:Hampered by time and physical limits, their performance in other areas is relatively dwindled.With devotion to these organizations longer and deeper, they show discrimination and opposes against other religions, despite the fact that most religions hold decent virtues. This leaves room for improvement. Although these two religious NPOs enjoy good reputation, personnel and financial management needs to be made public. Based on the above conclusions, this research provides some suggestions to the government, Taiwan Soka Gakkai and The Bliss & Wisdom Foundation. Further research directions are also recommended. Key words: Non-profit religious organizations ,Taiwan Soka Gakkai, The Bliss & Wisdom Foundation, female volunteers, volunteer service.


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