  • 學位論文

運用早期復健護理介入方案於退化性膝關節炎婦女手術後 膝關節活動角度及下肢活動功能之成效

The Effects of Early Rehabilitation Nursing Program on The Osteoarthritis in Patients After Surgery

指導教授 : 林俐伶


目的:本研究為探討運用早期復健護理介入方案於退化性膝關節炎婦女之照護成效。方法:採類實驗性研究方法,以立意取樣方式收案,依個案住院期間分派至對照組及實驗組,對照組予以常規護理措施,實驗組則予以早期復健護理介入方案,兩組均於術前使用結構性問卷收集個案年齡、教育程度、BMI、膝關節活動角度及下肢活動功能,手術後六日收集個案膝關節活動角度改善程度及下肢活動功能的變化。結果:收案共86人(對照組43名;實驗組43名),兩組資料以SPSS 12.0版分析,以獨立樣本T檢定進進行檢定。結果顯示:介入早期復健護理措施後實驗組於術後膝關節活動角度差為49.06±16.41,對照組為33.72±18.71,其結果為實驗組優於對照組且達統計上顯著差異;而在下肢活動功能部分介入早期復健護理措施後,實驗組下肢活動功能為51.09±6.99;對照組為34.61±5.17,顯示接受早期復健護理介入方案與常規護理措施在退化性膝關節炎婦女術後下肢活動功能是有差異的。整體而言,早期復健護理介入方案可以提昇退化性關節炎婦女照護成效,此結果可以做臨床護理人員設計教育課程之?穧狳抩琚A並在作為教導退化性關節炎個案復健運動之臨床依據。


The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of an early rehabilitation nursing intervention program among women with osteoarthritis knee and after Total Knee Replacement(TKR)surgery. The research applied a quasi-experimental method. A total of 86 participants were recruided using purposed sampling procedure. Forty-three of them were assinged to the control group and received regular nursing care after surgery. Another 43 participants who were assinged to the experimental group were received the rehabilitation nursing program on the next day after surgery. Research data were collected through a structured questionnaire that included all participants’ ages, educational levels, BMIs, the knee angles, and the lower extremity functions on the day before surgery. Then, the 6th day after surgery, all participants were assessed the knee angles and the lower extremity functions again. Results of the study showed that the improvements of the knee angles and the lower extremity functions among the experimental group were higher than the control group significantly. In conclusion, the early rehabilitation nursing intervention program. The result of this study offersa reference for clinical nurses who were working with osteoarthritis knee patients.


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