  • 學位論文


Reflection on the Development of the Concept and Law Relating to Transitional Justice in Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳宛妤


本文以台灣法律史的研究方法,整理並分析台灣轉型正義概念發展與法律制訂背後的過程,進而探究「台灣人民對於轉型正義法律的法意識與立法者間的差異」問題的可能答案。 轉型正義是2001年在國際上正式被提出,它的概念主要是指,新興民主國家追究過去威權統治所為的不法行為,並為一定的措施來鞏固民主制度與促進社會和解。此概念於2006年引入台灣,而在此之前台灣曾進行若干政治平反運動,自1980年代開始,隨著民主化運動的開展,對於曾在台灣土地上發生的二二八事件、白色恐怖政治案件、國民黨國庫通黨庫等問題逐一被來自社會的群眾力量,以及在立法院的民進黨立委們所揭露,要求國民黨政府正視真相與歷史、賠償受害者及其家屬和究責,這時源自社會動員的平反運動雖還未有「轉型正義」一詞所概括,卻已經實踐轉型正義的內涵。 2016年《黨產條例》與《促轉條例》陸續公布施行,成為實踐轉型正義的正式法律依據。然而,這兩個條例制定時,背後的政治情勢與角力,以及各黨在立法院間的政治策略,也影響著台灣社會對於轉型正義的理解與看法,本文藉由分析立法院立法過程,試圖去理解各政黨間的行為邏輯脈絡,來推論台灣轉型正義至今仍產生社會衝突的原因,並在最後透過與國際轉型正義措施的對話來理解台灣在轉型正義的不足。


Taiwan went through political situation from the authoritarian regime of KMT. In order to consolidate the hard-won Taiwanese democracy, the democratic government should deal with the issues of past human rights violations which happened during the period of KMT authority. With the development of the democratization movement, the 228 Incident, White Terror political cases, and the KMT ill-gotten party assets that had occurred on Taiwan were discussed in public. The DPP legislators in the Legislative Yuan have also revealed that they have also initiated rehabilitation, demanding that the KMT government face up to the fact and history of them, compensate victims and their families, and investigate the truth and responsibility. However, the KMT government did nothing except for compensating victims and their families until DPP won the legislature for the majority of seats in 2016. After the discussion among political parties in Taiwan, the Legislative Yuan enacted " The Act Governing the Settlement of Ill-gotten Properties by Political Parties and Their Affiliate Organizations" and "Act on Promoting Transitional Justice”, which were Taiwanese transitional justice empirical law. It means that the DPP government successfully put Taiwan transitional justice in practice. When these two regulations were enacted, the political situation and wrestling behind them, as well as the political strategies of the various parties in the Legislative Yuan, also affected the understanding and views of Taiwanese society on transitional justice. This article is written by means of analyzing the legislation record of the Legislative Yuan, trying to understand the logic of the political parties, to infer the reasons for the conflicts of transitional justice in Taiwan.


壹、 專書
二二八和平日促進會(1991),走出二二八的陰影 二二八和平日促進運動實錄(一九八七~一九九零),初版,臺北:二二八和平日促進會。
