  • 學位論文


A Study of Organic Green Electronics with Fibrous Proteins

指導教授 : 黃振昌 甘炯耀


生物可分解的蛋白質(聚合物電解質),材料本身安全、無毒、對環境友善等特性,近年來,使用蛋白質材料來製作綠色元件已受大家矚目。本論文中,成功的利用蛋白質製作兩種不同的電子元件,包括有機薄膜電晶體及摩擦發電機,研究發現,水合蛋白中氨基酸側鏈是好的離子來源,可形成的薄膜介面電雙層進一步提升元件表現。 在製作有機薄膜電晶體時,蜘蛛絲蛋白質被選用當作閘極介電層,實驗觀察發現,元件量測從真空中到大氣濕度約70%環境下,元件有效載子遷移率可從0.11cm2V-1s-1上升至4.3cm2V-1s-1,而起始電壓可從−6 V下降至−0.5 V,此歸由於蛋白質內移動離子的產生,此可增加靜電容值及載子累積能力,提升元件性能。另外一方面,電沉積製程也成功應用在蠶絲電晶體的製程,此方法可在水溶液製程中進行閘極介電層圖案化,元件有好的良率及穩定性。 在製作摩擦發電機元件時,含有甘油的明膠蛋白被選用為正極摩擦材料,與負極材料鐵氟龍進行摩擦發電,實驗觀察發現,當環境濕度從20%上升至60%,元件的輸出開路電壓可以增加40-50V,輸出短路電流可增加1-2μA。在環境濕度60%下,可得到最大的輸出,約82V的開路電壓及2.8 mA/m2短路電流密度,在外接電阻100MΩ時可得到最大功率密度,此功率密度可同時亮100顆LED燈。


Green electronics using biodegradable materials, such as protein-based polyelectrolytes, have attracted much interest in recently years because they are safe, nontoxic, and friendly to environment. In this thesis, we demonstrated two kind of green electronics devices, organic thin film transistors (OTFTs) and triboelectric generators (TEGs) fabricated with protein-based polyelectrolytes. The side chains of the amino acids in hydrated protein act as good sources of ions and the formation of the electric double-layer capacitors (EDLCs) enhances the device performance. In OTFTs, spider silk protein was selected as gate dielectrics. The effective mobility (sat) of the pentacene OTFTs in saturation regime increases from 0.11cm2V-1s-1 in vacuum to 4.3cm2V-1s-1 in air ambient at ca. 70% RH. The corresponding the threshold voltage (Vth) value reduces from −6 V in vacuum to −0.5 V in air ambient. It points that mobile ions may increase the capacitance and the accumulation ability of carrier to enhance the device performance. In the other hand, the electrodeposition has been applied to silk-based OTFTs process successfully in order to pattern the dielectric in solution environment. The method can get high yield rate and high stability for the device. In TEGs, gelatin/glycerol was chosen as the positive material to contact the Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) thin film. When the relative humidity is raised from 20% to 60%, the output open-circuit voltage increases to 40-50V and the output short-circuit current increases to 1-2 μA. The device can provide an open-circuit voltage of 82 V and a short-circuit current density of 2.8 mA/m2 with a maximum power density of nearly 150 mW/m2 at a resistant of 100MΩ in air ambient ca. 60%RH, which is able to drive 100 LEDs simultaneously.


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