  • 學位論文


The development and application of design change improvement processes in New Product Development

指導教授 : 蘇朝墩


工程變更在產業中是一相當重要的作業,在整個產品生命階段中,無論是開發或量產甚至產品已至顧客手中都有可能有工程變更的需求。一般業界在管控上大部分以量產的工程變更為主,往往忽略在新產品開發階段的設計變更。事實上在科技發展快速,技術一日千里及顧客需求不確定下,研發需具備足夠的應變能力,以確保品質、成本、績效的達成。目前TFT -LCD產業所追求的產品多樣性與及時上市的要求,新產品開發階段的設計變更更形重要,新產品開發是依循策略遠景,明示出目標產品及市場領域,將新產品開發系統性知識化確立的資訊加以應用,研究開發、生產、行銷等各機能予以有效緊密結合及運用,使企業透過有效的新產品開發設計變更管理並縮短開發時間,讓新產品及時上市進而獲利。因此在新產品開發階段,設計變更需有一套完整的流程、作業程序與電子化系統來有效執行新產品設計變更。 本研究提出一個適用TFT LCD新產品開發之設計變更的流程,此流程之優點為串聯設計變更流程與出圖流程、減少研發人員的紙本作業、降低設計變更工作的複雜性、設計變更的記錄皆系統化的被保存及資料查詢共享應用。本研究以台灣 TFT LCD領導製造商為研究對象。最後透過專案小組人員努力完成設計變更流程、標準化作業文件、e 化管理系統建置,並訓練使用者與供應商,讓流程及系統開始運作。


Engineering change is a crucial task in the industry. All stages in a product’s life cycle, whether during product development, mass production or even when the product has been delivered to the customer, might require some engineering changes. Generally, most engineering changes takes place during mass production rather than during the product development stage. In fact, because of the rapidly growing new technology and the uncertainty of customer demand in the market, the research and development team is required to have the ability to react quickly in order to achieve higher quality at lower cost. The TFT-LCD industry is aiming for product diversity and time to market; therefore, the design change during the new product development stage is even more important. New product developments are based on the strategic vision of the company, target product and market areas. The information established in the product development system is applied to develop products. If research and development, production, and marketing functions can keep close connection, the reduction of product development time can then be achieved through a proper design change management, and the time to market of a new product can be accelerated, thus bringing profit to the company. Therefore, the design change of a product at the development stage requires a complete process, operational procedures, and electronic systems to implement an efficient design change in a new product. This study proposes a process for the design change of the TFT-LCD new product development. This process has the advantage of linking the design change process with tape out processes, reducing paper work for the research and development team, and decreasing the complexity of implementing design changes. In addition, all the design changes records can be preserved systematically and be shared within the company. This study is based on a leading manufacturer of TFT-LCD in Taiwan. Through the great efforts from the project team members, the design change process, standard operational process documentation, and the establishment of e-management system can be accomplished and these related trainings are also provided to the users and suppliers’ systems for practical operation.


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